the same friend as sold you that hide bob, here, found stashed in your barn yesterday? what did you do with it, stan? no it ain't -- we looked -- where is it? afternoon ma'am. miz caldwell ain't it? glad to know you, miss -- been expectin' you at santa inez. i'm sheriff jackson. any relation of red caldwell's a friend of mine. just a little matter of the law. matter of fact -- bob, here, says that the hide he saw yesterday had the k.c. brand on it. course, we don't want to make a mistake with an old-timer, but -- meanin'? that's right -- shot in the back -- not far from here. s'pose you let me see that bill of sale. like i said -- i wouldn't want to make a mistake with an ole-timer. crazy drunk. don't act up this ways, dave -- they's women watchin'. me an' bob'll look after him. we're his friends -- come on, bob. careful now -- don't hurt him. went to sleep soon's we laid him down. sorry to have a ruckus in front of you ladies. dave's an ornery old cuss when he gets goin' -- no shape to drive on, i'm afraid. don't worry, ma'am. bob, here, 'll take you on in -- knows every inch of the road -- don't you? but if anything was to happen to the ladies, i'd feel -- to blame. you ladies want he should drive? anything you say, ma'am. hey, you! what's this you been up to? i don't know what you're talking about. now you lookee here, young feller. you go on talking that way and you'll find yourself in trouble. don't say you ain't been warned. what's the trouble here -- i warned you, didn't i? -- well, i guess this is the last trouble you'll ever make in this town. hand over that gun. if you didn't know him -- then who did? caldwell! quit stalling, rocklin. you'll have to think up something better than that rocklin. no you won't -- because you're comin' with me. look, mr. harolday -- you saw what happened -- seen anybody ridin' hard for garden city. he mighta taken the cutoff through jaw bone canyon. you think so? to the k.c., men. evenin' ma'am -- hate to bother you like this, but -- what! somethin' musta gone wrong -- we better fan out and see what's goin' on.