on station agent and conductors. the latter signals the engineer. the train whistle sounds again o.s. and the shadow of the moving train begins to pass across the station agent's face. on door of coach. as dave comes into shot, miss martin's head pops out of the window. bar. dave has just fitted a cylindrical record of "she was only a bird in a gilded cage" to an old-type phonograph. bar, as stan comes from the table to dave and zeke. window. a thin, unpleasant-looking face is seen through the glass. the windowpane is defective and so distorts the lower part of the face into a hideous smile. it is the younger of the two men who were watching the coach outside the hotel. rocklin and dave come to the bar. at the same time, doc riding comes into shot from the poker table. group at bar. group surrounding clews and clint harolday. the clatter of hoofs is heard and arly gallops furiously into shot. with bob clews on the floor, tugging at his gun. as it comes free of the holster, rocklin brings his heel down on clews' wrist, grinding on it with his whole weights. then, kicking the gun out of reach, rocklin steps back. bob clews sits up, clutching his wrist and weaving back and forth. of the buggy, showing miss martin riding in front, beside shorty davis, who is driving, and clara with her back to the driver, facing the oncoming trio. miss martin hears the sound of the approaching horses, and looks over her shoulder. as juan pulls up and dismounts, followed by rocklin.