line of sleeping figures, with dog in f.g. the sound of a distant train whistle is heard o.s. the dog, which up to now might have been dead, opens one eye and looks past camera. line of sleeping figures. the dog jumps up barking furiously and runs out of shot past camera. the sleeping figures come to life and look toward camera. at the same time, the door of the ticket office opens and the agent appears. baggage car. the baggageman is standing at the open door of the car with two sacks of mail. he drops them to the platform and waves to the conductor o.s. and begins to close the doors of the baggage car. rocklin has entered and moved to the fire. miss martin and clara enter and stand in the doorway watching the scene at the bar. a pale-faced, dyspeptic-looking man of about 45 comes from the kitchen and approaches them ingratiatingly. from fireplace. rocklin is standing in f.g. looking down at the fire and making the inevitable cigarette from his pocket dip. seated at the table are clara and miss martin. from o.s. comes the sound of zeke and dave singing to the phonograph record. miss martin glares indignantly in the direction of the bar, obviously about to make a protest. at this moment stan comes from the kitchen with a large dish in his hand which he dumps on the table. miss martin as she shudders dyspeptically and closes her eyes. table. clara has filled a plate with food, which she offers to her aunt. as rocklin comes out of the thoughtful mood in which he has been plunged by the information about red caldwell and notes the by-play between clews and clara. he frowns and makes a movement as if about to rise. at the same time, dave and zeke, whose voices have been heard throughout in the b.g., stagger into the shot. as clews comes from the fireplace and joins the group. group, to include the window of the coach. miss martin's head appears. poker table from bar. the flashily-dressed youngster is raking in the stakes triumphantly. poker table and including bar. sammy haynes has risen and is pushing back his chair. group at window as dave pushes them aside to get a view of what is happening outside. rocklin and garvey. the latter looks up from the letter completely bewildered. on door, as it opens to admit arly. ignoring everyone in the room except garvey, she comes abruptly to the desk, with the riding quirt dangling from her wrist. as arly turns abruptly on her heel and exits the way she came. rocklin makes a little gesture to the ladies with his hat and follows. as he goes, juan, who has been leaning against the doorpost, follows, closing the door behind him. as dave, followed by arly and juan, bursts in. his eyes go around the room quickly until he finds rocklin. george, looking baffled by the steady approach. george, as he stands bewildered and open- mouthed. rocklin enters scene, suddenly whips out his gun and brings it crashing down alongside george's head. the barrel strikes though the crown of his hat and he goes down like a pole- axed steer. as miss martin comes along the street, determinedly, followed by clara, until she is face to face with rocklin outside the stage office where arly and juan are mounted ready to move off. arly, juan and rocklin, with miss martin in f.g. the latter scowls and looks quickly to her front as the riders draw level with the buggy, rocklin coining to the right, alongside clara. with miss martin in f.g. and shooting over her shoulder to include clara and rocklin. from rocklin's angle, with arly and juan at the fork in the road. they are looking back towards the buggy which has taken the lower road to the right of the copse. wagon, which we now see is being driven by dave. on the side of the wagon is written: transport & general freightage -- pap fossler and sons. juan canters into shot and pulls up alongside the wagon. as harolday comes from the verandah to his horse. juan is standing there with the briefcase which harolday takes with a yank, mounts his horse and rides out. group, with rocklin and harolday both watching clint intently. window. a gloved hand has come out of the dark and is reaching through the window for rocklin's gun in the belt which is hanging over the chair. with rocklin in f.g. with garvey in f.g. with garvey in f.g. close beside him are pap and dave, who watches garvey closely.