now don't drop it -- at your age you'd best not be lifting things so heavy. clara! staring as though you'd never seen a man before. i hope we get there -- wouldn't surprise me if we didn't. driver? driver, what's the matter? resting horses? what for? i can see with my own eyes it's downhill. certainly, we are in a hurry. now what's the matter. why are we stopping again? why do we stop here? will you please stop referring to my legs! well -- if it won't take too long. with my dyspepsia? do you want to kill me? young man, that driver's had all the liquor he can take. you know he has. you're not a complete fool, are you? the rudeness of people in these parts is appalling! what is all this? no -- martin -- miss martin -- this is miss caldwell. what's going on with him? wrestling? oh -- a thief -- oh -- hmmm -- well, what do you intend doing about it? was murdered, you mean. hold your tongue. and you -- stop staring as if we were monsters. what are you doing? hmmm -- he's going with us anyway -- he may as well drive. this isn't the hotel. are we expected to carry our bags at this time of night? you are judge garvey, i presume. miss martin -- and my niece, clara caldwell. what! you can't hold us to account for every promise made by that man. everyone knows he wasn't responsible for his actions half the time. and if you think i'd have you as a foreman -- well -- the impudence -- don't interfere, clara. of course he must pay it back. i warn you, you're making a great mistake. this man is no good. but i understand you. i'd be ashamed of myself. throwing myself at a man like that. you must excuse her. she's young. and young people must be protected from themselves at times -- don't you agree? i saw you. i saw you strike that poor man. you ruffian, you! let me go! i knew the sort you were the moment i set eyes on you. you can't fool me! you're nothing but a common adventurer! come, clara! do you have to discuss our private affairs with every rag-tag-and-bobtail cow-person we meet, clara? we can do very well without it -- thank you. and you're keeping your lady friend waiting. i certainly hope so -- it's not myself i'm concerned about -- i can't say i'm very happy about doing this -- i only hope it works out for the best. yes -- oh, dear -- dear -- are you hurt? now don't you use that tone of voice to me -- i'll have you understand i -- whatever is to become of you? have you no sense of pride, or decency? throwing yourself at that -- that wretch, like any shameless hussy. i thought we'd done with him -- but no -- you have to run to him and tell him all our business -- don't you dare deny it -- you know very well you told him about that letter i wrote mr. garvey. didn't you? -- didn't you? now -- what is it? i am. -- but i'm wondering if you're up to it. i noticed you didn't fare so well with him yesterday. well, see that you stay that way. you vile, ungrateful strumpet -- running away in the night, like a deceitful sneak-thief -- -- and don't think i don't know what you intend doing. you little fool -- if you go to garden city with that man -- you stand to lose everything. all right, i'll tell you -- rocklin is a nephew of the late mr. caldwell. and, as nearest of kin, he stands to get everything -- according to the will. because you are not the old man's niece, but only his grand-niece. i'll take part in this -- you -- you hairy beast. help me get her to the bed. take them in to mr. garvey and tell him i must see him at once. hadn't you better tie him, too? if you'll just take this -- you'll go to sleep -- i'm so glad you've come, mr. garvey, the most awful -- -- why -- what are all these people doing here? oh yes -- here and gone. yes -- the two men you sent out are taking him and that horrid old man back to town. don't leave, mr. garvey -- i've got to talk with you, privately -- it's very important. absolutely everything -- he was standing at the window all the time -- the scoundrel. if you were to ask me, i think the best thing to do is -- you mean -- you have to do something. -- this was all your idea, remember. well -- i do declare -- -- and do us out of everything -- you vile -- wicked -- despicable --