hello travis. this is fine, dough-boy pay dough-boy here. dough-boy probably told you i don't carry any saturday night specials or crap like that. it's all out of state, clean, brand new, top-of- the-line stuff. that's an expensive gun. it's a monster. can stop a car -- put a bullet right into the block. a premium high resale gun. $350 -- that's only a hundred over list. i could sell this gun in harlem for $500 today - but i just deal high quality goods to high quality people. now this may be a little big for practical use, in which case i'd recommend the .38 smith and wesson special. fine solid gun - nickel plated. snub-nosed, otherwise the same as the service revolver. now that'll stop anything that moves and it's handy, flexible. the magnum, you know, that's only if you want to splatter it against the wall. the movies have driven up the price of the magnum anyway. everybody wants them now. but the wesson .38 - only $250 - and worth every dime of it. throw in a holster for $10. some of these guns are like toys, but a smith and wesson, man, you can hit somebody over the head with it and it will still come back dead on. nothing beats quality. you interested in an automatic? that's the colt .25 - a fine little gun. don't do a lot of damage, but it's as fast as the devil. handy little gun, you can carry it almost anywhere. i'll throw it in for another $125. the .32's $150 - and you're really getting a good deal now - and all together it comes to, ah, seven eighty-five for four pieces and a holster. he'll, i'll give you the holster, we'll make it seventy-five and you've got a deal - a good one. well, you're talking big money now. i'd say at least five grand, maybe more, and it would take a while to check it out. the way things are going now $5.000 is probably low. you see, i try not to fool with the small-time crap. too risky, too little bread. say 6 g's, but if i get the permit it'll be as solid as the empire state building. you can't carry in a cab even with a permit - so why bother? sure, here, take this card, go to this place and give 'em the card. they'll charge you, but there won't be any hassle. you in nam? can't help but notice your jacket? vietnam? i saw it on your jacket. where were you? bet you got to handle a lot of weapons out there. it's he'll out there all right. a real shit-eatin' war. i'll say this, though: it's bringing a lot of fantastic guns. the market's flooded. colt automatics are all over. sure. you like ball games? i can get you front and center. what do you like? i can get you mets, knicks, rangers? hell, i can get you the mayor's box. okay, okay. wait a second, travis. i'll walk you out.