tom. tom, come here a moment. i think this canvas report is about ready to go out. check it out with andy, and if he okays if, have a copy made for the campaign headquarters in every county. and don't forget to add the new photo releases. andy usually just sends those to the national media. the local press doesn't know what to do with a position paper until upi and ap tell them anyway. first push the man, then the issue. senator palantine is first of all a dynamic man, an intelligent, interesting, fascinating man. no, i didn't forget "sexy". oh, tom, please.  have you ever wondered why cbs news has the highest ratings? alright, forget it if you're not going to be serious, just what? maybe if you'd try thinking once in a while, you'd get somewhere. alright, now. you want to know why cbs has the highest ratings? you their news is any different from nbc, abc? it's all the same news. same stories. same order usually. what, you thought they had good news for people, right? you thought that's why people watched cbs? i'll tell you why people watch cbs. cronkite. the man. you got it? not the news, not the issues, the man. if walter cronkite told people to eat soap, they'd do it. we are selling cars, goddamn it. that's the last. the finish. period. some pople can learn. some people can't. and you wonder why we never get serious---- have you been noticing anything strange? why's that taxi driver across the street been staring at us? that taxi driver. the one that's been sitting here. i don't know - but it feels like a long time. try holding the match like this. this i gotta see. oh, are you all right? no. i just wanted to see if you could light it that way. the guy at the newsstand can. he happens to be missing fingers. i first noticed when -  no, why? he's black, ok? as i said, he isn't italian. besides, i thought they just killed them. why don't they leave a pidgeon instead of a canary? first, he's not italian. second he's not a thief. i noticed the fingers when he was getting my change - the right change. two of his fingers are missing. just stubs. like they were blown away. i was putting my change in my purse when i saw him get out a cigarette. i couldn't help watching. i was dying to see how he'd light it.  no, stupid. with the stubs. that's the whole point. no, this is young - well, i'm never sure how old black people are - but, anyway, he isn't old. that's for sure. and why is that? is that so? but what do you think of charles palantine? charles palantine. the man you want to volunteer to help elect president. you want to canvass? how do you feel about senator palantine's stand on welfare? well, that's not exactly what the senator has proposed. you might not want to canvass, but there is plenty more other work we need done: office work, filing, poster hanging. if you talk to tom, he'll assign you to something. well, we're all working tonight. well, then, what is it you exactly want to do? why? i don't know. all right. all right. i'm taking a break at four o'clock. if you're here then we'll go to the corner and have some coffee and pie. yes? thank you, travis. i'm just going to find out what the cabbies are thinking. we've signed up 15.000 palantine volunteers in new york so far. the organizational problems are becoming just staggering. travis, i never ever met anybody like you before. where do you live? so why did you decide to drive a taxi at night? after this job, i'm looking forward to being alone for a while.  what kind of people? really? what did you do? that's really something. the moon? com'on, travis. it's not that bad. i take lots of taxis. huh? three in the morning? i don't think so. i have to go to bed early. i work days. it must have been somebody else. you're right! now i remember! it was after the western regional planners were in town and the meeting went late. the next day i was completely bushed. it was unbelievable. the dmz? that would have been quite a coincidence. well, i don't go to the plaza every night. that's very romantic. some of your fares must be interesting. see any stars, politicians, deliver any babies yet? what hours do you work?  you mean you work seventy-two hours a week. you must be rich. you know what you remind me of? that song by kris kristofferson, where it's said "like a pusher, party truth, partly ficition, a walking contradiction". the singer?  kris kristofferson. you didn't have to spend your money - ? travis, you haven't even played the record? your stereo broke? god, i could hardly stand that. i live on music.  so you haven't heard this record yet? what are you doing? but this is a porno movie. what's wrong? i'm leaving. these are not the kind of movies i go to. you mean these are the only kind of movies you go to? i mean porno movies. my god! if you just wanted to fuck, why didn't you just come right out and say it?  no, travis. you're a sweet guy and all that, but i think this is it. i'm going home. no, i don't feel so good. we're just two very different kinds of people, that's all. it's very simple. you go your way, i'll go mine. thanks anyway, travis. i'm getting a taxi. keep it. all right, i'll accept the record. taxi! what is it? i'm busy. no, i don't think so. that's someone else. hello, travis. yes. it won't be long now. seventeen days. how are you, travis? i read about you in the papers. thank you, travis. travis? maybe i'll see you again sometime, huh?