not rouge. blush-on, they call it. yeah, that's blush-on. my wife uses it, no. could you see anything? what did you do? yeah. stick up? you said that? and what happened? a real skunk. yeah. we went to harvard together. look who's talking? who else would stay up all night to catch the morning rush hour? stick up? where. you run all over town, don't you, travis? i mean, you handle some pretty rough traffic, huh? you carry a piece? you need one? well, you ever need one, i know a feller that kin getcha a real nice deal. lotsa shit around. truck drivers bring up harlem specials that blow up in your hand. but this guy don't deal no shit. just quality. if you ever need anything, i can put you in touch. for a fee. well, if there's this many hackies inside, there must be lots of hares outside. and i'm gonna hustle 'em. support my kids. can you dig it? nice to meet ya, travis. so long, wizard. say hello to malcolm x for me. hey travis. this here's easy andy. he's a travelling salesman. yeah. hey thanks. that's real nice, travis. one-ball mccall? fuckin one-ball. i hope he had a checker. remember the time this cat picks up four dudes from the other side, pakastanis i think they were, holds up their passports, to the toll booth collector on the bridge and charges em ten bucks each for 'crossing the border? least i'm no airport rat. i work the whole town.