yes i am. why, thank you travis. i'll tell you, travis, i've learned more about this country sitting in taxi cabs than in the board room of general motors. travis, what single thing would you want the next president of this country to do most? there must be something. i know what you mean, travis, and it's not going to be easy. we're going to have to make some radical changes. nice talking to you, travis. the time has come to put an end to the things that divide us: racism, poverty, way -- and to those persons who seek to divide us. never have i seen such a group of high officials from the president to senate leaders to cabinet members. pit black against white, young against old, sow anger, disunity and suspicion -- and all in the name of the "good of the country." well, their game is over. all their games are over. now is the time to stand up against such foolishness, propaganda and demagoguery. now is the time for one man to stand up and accept his neighbor, for one man to give in order that all might receive. is unity and love of common good such a lost thing? it wasn't? i thought it was. it tasted like chicken. was it? it sure tasted like chicken to me. lately, everything tastes like chicken to me. what about it? i took 20 off before we started this thing. ten? i don't think so. you really think so? ten? i don't think i gained ten pounds. jesus christ. and with your help we will go on to victry at the polls tuesday. on to victory in miami beach next month and on to victory next november!