come on, baby, let's go. this is all a real drag. just forget all about this, cabbie. it's nothing. here, officer, take me in. i'm clean. i didn't do it. got a ticket once in jersey. that's all. honest, officer. anything you say, officer. i saw. $20 fifteen minutes. $30 half hour. take it or leave it. no, not me. there'll be an elderly gent to take the bread. catch you later, copper. well, if you are, it's entrapment already. funny, you don't look hip. what's the matter, baby, don't you feel right? oh, baby, there ain't no flu. you know that, baby. you're just tired, baby. you just need your man. i am your man, you know. you are my woman. i wouldn't be nothing without you. i know this may not mean anything to you, baby, but sometimes i get so emotional, sometimes i think, i wish every man could have what i have now, that every woman could be loved the way i love you. i go home and i think what it would be without you, and then i thank god for you. i think to myself, man, you are so lucky. you got a woman who loves you, who needs you, a woman who keeps you strong. it's just you and me. i'm nothing without you. i can go like this for ever and ever. we can do it, baby. you and me. just you and me. o.k., cowboy. what's going on? iris? wha -- ? no. hillbilly, you'd better get your wise ass outa here and quick, or you're gonna be in trouble. hey, mister, i don't know what's going on here. this don't make any sense.