first she did her make-up. you know, i hate it when they do that. i mean she does the whole works, the mascara, the eye-shadow, the lipstick, the rouge. the kind with a brush. travis. ask travis. he's the ladies man. well, whatever the fuck it is, she used it. and then the spray perfume. you know, the real sweat kind - and, on top of that, get this, right when we're crossing the tri- boro bridge - she changes her pantyhose! yeah. well, she was trying to keep her skirt down, sort of, you know. but it was pretty obvious what she was doing. i mean, christ, it was rush hour and the traffic's practically standing still. threw on the emergency, jumped the seat and fucked her brains out - what do you think! what do i have to do? draw you a picture? what was i supposed to do? i was watching in the rear view. you know, just checkin' traffic. so howsit? sure. what do you think? she wanted to get out of the cab. i said "look, you're in the middle of the fucking bridge" well, i said, "lady, please, we're on a bridge" she stayed in the cab, what's she gonna do? but she stiffed me. a real skunk. travis, you know dough-boy, charlie t.? we call him dough-boy cause he likes the dollars. he'll chase a buck straight into jersey. so howsit? fuckin' mau mau land, that's what it is. the cops and company raise hell they find out. for a fee. i never use mine. but it's a good thing to have. just as a threat. what ya gonna do with all that money, dough-boy? you know eddie, he's the new hippie kid in our group, long hair. he called up the dispatcher last night. charlie mccall, our dispatcher. that's the guy. eddie calls him up and says, "hey, what do you want me to do. i'm over here at poly prep. i got a girl in the back and she doesn't have the fare. she wants me to come in back and collect. what should i do? mccall says. "how much on the meter?" eddie comes back and says "two-fifty." mccall says, "is she worth it". and the kid says, "yeah. she's about 19, good-lookin." mccall says, "what can i tell you?" mccall says, "well, if you want some help i'll see if i can send some units out." she was just a kid. stoned, you know. you're getting a rep, travis. what's the action around? one of these days we're gonna turn you in, charlie t. fleecin the hicks like that. well, i'm shovin' on. yeah? yeah? shoot. they don't call me the wizard for nothing. things got ya down? it happens. the taxi life, you mean. i know. travis, look, i dig it. let me explain. you choose a certain way of life. you live it. it becomes what you are. i've been a hack 27 years, the last ten at night. still don't own my own cab. i guess that's the way i want it. you see, that must be what i am. look, a person does a certain thing and that's all there is to it. it becomes what he is. why fight it? what do you know? how long you been a hack, a couple months? you're like a peg and you get dropped into a slot and you got to squirm and wiggle around a while until you fit in. what do you expect, bertrand russell? i've been a cabbie all my life, what do i know? i don't even know what you're talking about. you fit in. it's lonely, it's rough at first. but you fit in. you got no choice. yeah. sorry, wizard. don't worry, killer. you'll be all right. i seen enough to know. a private-owner wanted to swap wheels. now my tires were brand new. "give me a couple days," i says. howsit, charlie? hey travis, i think you gota fare.