471 central park west. just pull over to the curb a moment. yeah, that's fine. just sit here. cabbie, ya see that light up there on the seventh floor, three windows from this side of the building? ya see that woman there? that's my wife. but it ain't my apartment. a nigger lives there. she left me two weeks ago. it took me this long to find out where she went. i'm gonna kill her. what do you think of that, cabbie? huh? what do you think of that, huh? i'm gonna kill her with a .44 magnum pistol. did you ever see what a .44 can do to a woman's face, cabbie? did you ever see what it can do to a woman's pussy, cabbie? i'm going to put it right up to her, cabbie. right in her, cabbie. you must think i'm real sick, huh? a real pervert. sitting here and talking about a woman's pussy and a .44, huh?