greetings, troops. yup. come on. i'll get it. know what? i asked them that question once. know what they told me? don't ask. i'm sorry, baby. this thing is just kicking my ass. i thought we had it with this one. but the output went to shit after three seconds. i'm thinking now it's the way i'm matrixing the command hierarchies. i can't oh. i can't, honey. i'm on a roll here. baby, this thing is going to blow 'em all away. it's a neural-net process -- i'm sorry, honey, it's just that i'm thiiis close. imagine a jetline with a pilot that never makes a mistake, never gets tired, never shows up to work with a hangover. meet the pilot. i'm sorry. run, kids! go! run! please. let. the kids. go. in the bathroom. danny, can you get them for us? who are you people? my god. i feel like i'm gonna throw up. you're judging me on thing's i haven't even done yet. jesus. how were we supposed to know? that's right! there's no way i'm going to finish the new processor now. forget it. i'm out of it. i'm quitting cyberdyne tomorrow. i'll sell real estate, i don't care,,, look, whatever you want me to do, i'll do. i just want my kids to have a chance to grow up, okay? alright, yeah. you're right. we have to destroy the stuff at the lab, the files, disk drive. and everything i have here. everything! i don't care. do you know about the chip? they have it in a vault at cyberdyne. it's gotta be from the other one like you. they told us not to ask where they got it. i thought. japan. hell, i don't know. i didn't want to know. i was scary stuff, radically advanced. it was shattered. didn't work. but it gave us ideas, it took us in new directions. things we would never have thought of. all this work is based on it. i think so, yeah. when? now? yeah, right. evening, paul. these are friends of mine from out of town, i just thought i'd take them up and show them around. the vault needs two keys to open. mine. . and one from the security station. it's in a locker but my card should access it. here we go. what? what is it? silent alarm's been tripped. it neutralizes the codes throughout the building. nothing'll open now. we should abort. no good. fire's set off the halo system! here. hurry! here! we'll have to keep these on a couple minutes, till the gas clears. yeah, all that stuff! and all the disks in those offices. especially my office. everything in my office! these, too! this is important. and all this here. that's it. give me that thing a second. i've worked for years on this thing. how do you set them off? go. i don't know. how much longer. i can. hold this thing.