gimme that phillips right there. she's not my mother, todd! she might as well be. easy money! from my mom. my real mom, i mean. come on baby. let's go! actually, no, she's a complete psycho. that's why she's up at pescedero. she tries to blow up a computer factory, but she got shot and arrested. yeah, she's a total loser. c'mon, let's check out the 7-eleven, whatya say? whoa. time out. stop the bike! now don't take this the wrong way, but you are a terminator, right? no way! holy shit. you're really real! i mean. whoah! you're, uh. like a machine underneath, right. but sort of alive outside? this in intense. get a grip, john. okay, uh. you're not here to kill me. i figured that part out for myself. so what's the deal? yeah? who sent you? this is deep. so this other guy? he's a terminator too, right, like you? what does that mean? radical. where we going? can i stop by my house? you sure? look, todd and janelle are dicks but i gotta warn them. shit! you got a quarter? janelle? it's me. something's wrong. she's never this nice. the dog's really barking. maybe it's already there. what should i do? max. i need a minute here, okay? you're telling me it can imitate anything it touches? like it could disguise itself as anything. a pack of cigarettes? well, why doesn't become a bomb or something to get me? we spent a lot of time in nicaragua. places like that. for a while she was with this crazy ex-green beret guy, running guns. then there were some other guys. she'd shack up with anybody she could learn from. so then she could teach me how to be this great military leader. then she gets busted and it's like. sorry kid, your mom's a psycho. didn't you know? it's like. everything i'd been brought up to believe was just made-up fantasy, right? i hated her for that. but everything she said was true. we gotta get her out of there. oh, great. and what happens to her? terminated!? shit! why didn't you tell me? we gotta right now! yeah, well fuck you, she's a priority to me! hey, goddammit! what's your problem? help! help!! i'm being kidnapped! get this psycho off of me! let go of me!! oww! why'd you do that? you have to do what i say?! prove it. stand on one foot. cool! my own terminator. this is great! take a hike, bozo. dipshit? did you say dipshit?! grab this guy. now who's the dipshit, you jock douchebag? put the gun down! now!! walk away. jesus. you were gonna kill that guy! listen to me, very carefully, okay? you're not a terminator any more. alright? you got that? you can't just go around killing people! whattaya mean, why? 'cause you can't! you just can't, okay? trust me on this. look, i'm gonna go get my mom. you wanna come along, that's fine with me. now remember, you're not gonna kill anyone, right? swear. just say "i swear i won't kill anyone." mom!! wait! mom, are you okay? it's all right, mom. he's here to help. can you see anything? cool. i said i was okay. i. had to get you out of the place. i'm sorry, i. does it hurt? how long do you live? i mean, last? can you learn? so you can be. you know. more human. not such a dork all the time. can we reset the switch? can you see the pin switch? no!!!! no! don't kill him! alright, it! we need it! but it's the only proof we have to the future. about the war and all that. look, mom, if i'm supposed to ever be this great leader, you should start listening to my leadership ideas once in a while. 'cause if you won't, nobody else will. no problem. none whatsoever. are we learning yet? no, no, no. you gotta listen to the way people talk. see, you don't say like "affirmative" or some shit like that. you say. no problemo. it someone comes off to you with an attitude, you say "eat me". if you wanna shine them on, it's "hasta la vista, baby". yeah, or "later, dickwad." or if someone gets upset you say "chill out." like that. or you can do combinations. that's great! see, you're getting it. only a couple hundred bucks. i'll give you half. no sense of humor. and that's another thing. you could lighten up a bit, yourself. this severe routine is getting old. smile once in a while. yeah. smile. you know. people smile, right? watch. hi. nice place you got here. how's business? okay. bad example. over there, look. like that. i don't know, maybe you could practice in front of a mirror or something. we're not gonna make it, are we? people, i mean. yeah. drag, huh? he's cool, enrique. he's. uh. this is my uncle bob. uncle bob, this is enrique. hook it on. one thing about my mom. she always plans ahead. yeah, i thought you'd like this place. see, i grew up in places like this, so i just thought it was how people lived. riding around in helicopters. learning how to blow shit up. then, when mom got busted i got put in a regular school. the other kids were, like, into nintendo. are you ever afraid? not even of dying? you don't feel any emotion about it one way or the other? yeah. i have to stay functional too. "i'm too important". it's definitely you. there was this one guy that was kinda cool. he taught me engines. hold this a second. mom screwed it up, of course. sooner or later she'd always tell them about judgment day and me being this world leader and that's be all she wrote. here. i wish i coulda met my real dad. yeah. i guess so. my mom says when i'm, like, 45, i think, i send him back through time to 1984. but right now he hasn't even been born yet. man, is messes with your head. where's that other bolt? thanks. mom and him were only together for one night, but she still loves him, i guess. i see her crying sometimes. she denies it totally, of course. like she says she got something in her eye. you mean people? i don't know. we just cry. you know. when it hurts. uh-unh, no, it's different. it's when there's nothing wrong with you but you hurt anyway. you get it? alriight!! my man! mommm!! wait!! "no fate." no fate but what we make. my father told her this. i mean i made him memorize it, up in the future, as a message to her -- never mind. okay, the whole thing goes "the future is not set. there is no fate but what we make for ourselves." i guess, yeah -- oh shit!! yeah, gotta be! miles dyson! she's gonna blow him away! come on. let's go. let's go!! drive faster. i don't care. we've gotta stop her. i don't care!! there's gotta be another way. haven't you learned anything?! haven't you figured out why you can't kill people? look, maybe you don't care if you live or die. but everybody's not like that! okay?! we have feelings. we hurt. we're afraid. you gotta learn this stuff, man, i'm not kidding. it's important. shit, we're too late! mom? you okay? uh huh. it's okay. it'll by okay. we'll figure it out. i know, mom. i know. show him. mom, mom, we need to be more constructive here. i don't see this as a gender-related issue. she's still tense. we still have to figure out how to stop it all from happening. right? you guys get started on the lab. i can open this. easy money. i got it. piece of cake. remember what i said, you can't. and let's see what's behind door number one. got ol' skynet by the ball now, miles. come on, let's book! ready to rock? mommm!!! don't forget. it's always darkness right before. you're totally fucked. faster! he's right on us! where you going?! okay, mom, we gotta get out now, come on. that's it. what? come on! let's go! come on, mom, you can do it! come on!! come on, you gotta try. please, mom. get up! mom! mommm!! shoot!!!! is it dead? will it melt in there? no! no, no no!! it'll be okay. stay with us! don't do it. please. don't go -- i order you not to!