good morning, dr. silberman. how's the knee? you take it. i'm not taking it. now i don't want any trouble. you. son of a. aaarrgh!! kyle? you're dead. oh. yeah. they. make me take this stuff. hold me. oh, god. kyle. i need you so much. they took him from me. i know! i know, but i'm not as strong as i'm supposed to be. i can't do it. i'm screwing up the mission. kyle, don't go! i was afraid. and confused. i feel much better, now. clearer. it has helped me a lot to have a goal, something to look forward to. you said i could be transferred to the minimum security wing and have visitors if i showed improvement in six months. well, it's been six months, and i was looking forward to seeing my son. they don't exist. i see that now. if i had, there would have been some evidence. they would have found something at the factory. so what do you think, doctor? i've shown a lot of improvement, haven't i? you have to let me see my son. please. it's very important. he's in danger. at least let me call him -- you son of a bitch!! goddammit. let me go!! silberman! you don't know what you're doing! you fuck! you're dead! you hear me!! there's 215 bones in the human body, motherfucker. that's one. now don't move! open it or he'll be dead before he hits the floor. you're already dead, silberman. everybody here dies. you know i believe that. so don't fuck with me! step back! down on the floor! now! no! help me! goddamnit, it's gonna kill us all!!! out of the car!! right now! you okay? it was stupid of you to go there. goddamnit, john, you have to be smarter than that. you're too important! you can't risk yourself, not even for me, do you understand? i can take care of myself. i was doing fine. jesus, john. you almost got yourself killed. stop it! right now! you can't cry, john. other kids can afford to cry. you can't. so what's your story? this t-1000. what happens when you shoot it? can it be destroyed? pull in here. we have to ditch this car. you look like handmade shit. i'll bet. makes you a more efficient killer, right? will these heal up? that's good. because if you can't pass for human, you won't be much good to us. doesn't want you thinking too much, huh? out of the way, john! it, john. not him. it. we're better off by ourselves. i don't trust it! these things are hard to kill, john, believe me, i know. we may never have this opportunity again. just head south. keep it under sixty-five. we can't afford to be pulled over. you got any cash? get some food. i need to know how skynet get built. who's responsible? why him? then what? uh huh, great. then those fat fucks in washington figure, what the hell, let a computer run the whole show, right? and skynet fights back. why attack russia? jesus. how much do you know about dyson? i want to know everything. what he looks like. where he lives. everything. stay in the truck. enrique? you here? i just came for my stuff. and i need clothes, food, and one of your trucks. now, enrique. you two are on weapons detail. yeah. i'm gonna wait till dark to cross the border. enrique, it's dangerous for you here. you get out tonight, too, okay? watching john with the machine, it was suddenly so clear. the terminator would never stop, it would never leave him. it would always be there. and it would never hurt him, never shout at him or get drunk and hit him, or say it couldn't spend time with him because it was too busy. and it would die to protect him. of all the would-be fathers who came and went over the years, this thing, this machine, was the only one who measured up. in an insane world, it was the sanest choice. if we are ever separated, and can't make contact, go to enrique's airstrip. i'll rendezvous with you there. don't fucking move! don't fucking move!! get on the floor, bitch! now!! fucking down! now!! shut up, kid! get out of the way!! shut up! shut up!! motherfucker! it's all your fault! it's your fault!! i couldn't. oh, god. you. came here. to stop me? i love you, john. i always have. dyson listened while the terminator laid it all down. skynet. judgment day. the history of things to come. it's not every day you find out you're responsible for 3 billion deaths. he took it pretty well, considering. yeah. right. how were you supposed to know? fucking men. all you know how to do is thrust into the world with your. fucking ideas and your weapons. did you know that every gun in the world is named after a man? colt, browning, smith, thompson, kalashnikov. all men. men built the hydrogen bomb, not women. men like you thought it up. you're so creative. you don't know what it's like to really create something. to create a life. to feel it growing inside you. all you know how to create is death. you fucking bastards. that's not good enough. what chip? son of a bitch, i knew it! those lying motherfuckers! can you get us in there, past security? is it safe for them here? the future, always so clear to me, has become like a black highway at night. we were in uncharted territory now. making up history as we went along. don't even think about it. no!! we're going all the way! you got that, dyson? john! fire-in-the-hole! go! i'll finish here. ready. dyson, hand me the detonator. let's go -- john, get under these. hurry! john? john? can you hear me? where are you? help me, honey. john, get out of the way!! it's finally over. are you afraid? august 29th 1997 came and went. nothing much happened. michael jackson turned forty. there was no judgment day. people went to work as they always do, laughed, complained, watched tv, made love. i wanted to run down the street yelling. to grab them all and say "every day form this day is a gift. use it well!" instead i got drunk. that was thirty years ago. but the dark future which never came still exists for me, and it always will, like the traces of a dream lingering in the morning light. and the war against the machines goes on. or, to be more precise, the war against those who build the wrong machines. john fights the war differently than it was foretold. here, on the battlefield of the senate, the weapons are common sense. and hope. the luxury of hope was given to me by the terminator. because if a machine can learn the value of human life. maybe we can too.