the next patient is a 29-year old female diagnosed as acute schizo-affective disorder. the usual indicators. depression, anxiety, violent acting-out, delusions of persecution. here we are. 'morning, sarah. fine, sarah. she, uh. stabbed me in the kneecap with a screwdriver a few weeks ago. the delusional architecture is interesting. she believes a machine called a "terminator", which looks human of course, was sent back though time to kill her. and also that the father of her child was a soldier, sent to protect her. he was from the future too. the year 2029, if i remember correctly. let's move on, shall we? douglas, i don't like seeing the patients disturbing their rooms like this. see that she takes her thorazine, would you? yes. your attitude have been very positive lately. and what it that? i see. let's go back to what you were saying about these terminator machines. now you think they don't exist? but you've told me on many occasions about how you crushed one in a hydraulic press. i see. so you don't believe anymore that the company covered it up? you see, sarah. here's the problem. i know how smart you are, and i think you're just telling me what i want to hear. i don't think you really believe who you've been telling me today. i'm afraid not. not for a while. i don't see any choice but to recommend to the review board that you stay here another six months. model citizen. sorry, gentleman. lewis, see these gentleman out and them lock up for the night. you broke my arm! it won't work, sarah. you're no killer. i don't believe you'd do it. open the goddamn door! get her! go around, goddamnit! go around!! it was all true and we're all going to die and the changed, i saw him change!!