get down. yes. cyberdyne systems, model 101. i'm a cybernetic organism. living tissue over a metal endoskeleton. my mission is to protect you. you did. thirty years from now you reprogrammed me to be your protector here, in this time. not like me. a t-1000. advanced prototype. a mimetic polyalloy. liquid metal. you are targeted for termination. the t-1000 will not stop until it complete its mission. ever. we have to leave the city, immediately. and avoid the authorities. negative. the t-1000 will definitely try to reacquire you there. i would. i'm right here. i'm fine. what's the dog's name? hey, janelle, what's wrong with wolfy? i can hear him barking. is he okay? your foster parents are dead. let's go. anything it samples by physical contact. no. only an object of equal size. it can't form complex machines. guns and explosives have chemicals, moving parts. it doesn't work that way. but it can form solid metal shapes. negative. the t-1000's highest probability for success now would be to copy sarah connor and wait for you to make contact with her. typically, the subject being copied is terminated. negative. she is not a mission priority. you told me to. that is one of my mission parameters. of course. i'm a terminator. why? why? right. what? i swear i will not kill anyone. he'll live. come with me if you want to live. go! run! hang on. drive. everything. what is wrong with your eyes? ballistic penetration shocks it, but only for a few seconds. unknown. so do you. i have detailed files on human anatomy. correct. i sense injuries. the data could be called pain. a hundred and twenty years on my existing power cell. my cpu is a neural-net processor. a learning computer. but skynet presets the switch to "read-only" when we are sent out alone. no. now open the port cover. hold the cpu by its base tab. pull. was there a problem? affirmative. "hasta la vista, baby"? chill out, dickwad. no problemo. smile? it is in your nature to destroy yourselves. the man most directly responsible is miles bennet dyson, director of special projects at cyberdyne systems corporation. in a few months he creates a revolutionary type of mircoprocessor. in three years cyberdyne will become the largest supplier of military computer systems. all stealth bombers are upgraded with cyberdyne computers, becoming fully unmanned, afterward, the fly with a perfect operational record. basically. the skynet funding bill is passed. the system goes on-line august 4th, 1997. human decisions are removed from strategic defense. skynet begins to learn, at a geometric rate. it becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. eastern time, august 29. in a panic, they try to pull the plug. yes. it launches its icbms against their targets in russia. because skynet knows the russian counter-strike will remove its enemies here. i have detailed files. uncle bob? excellent. no. no. no. i have to stay functional until my mission is complete. then it doesn't matter. torque wrench please. you will. why do you cry? pain causes it? no. no problemo. she intends to change the future somehow. dyson. this is tactically dangerous. the t-1000 has the same files that i do. it could anticipate this move and reacquire you at dyson's house. killing dyson might actually prevent the war. clean penetration. no shattered bone. compression should control the loss of blood. do you have bandages? now listen to me very carefully. no one must follow your work. the cpu from the first terminator. i must be destroyed. take your kids. go to a hotel. right now. don't pack. let's go. i insist. let me try mine. radio remote. i'll deal with the police. trust me. time to go. right now. get back. cover you ears and open you mouth. keep your eyes closed. don't move. i'll be back. we need your truck. drive for a minute. hasta la vista, baby. we don't have much time. keep going. run! i need a vacation. terminated. yes. throw it in. and the chip. no. there is another chip. and it must be destroyed also. i'm sorry, john. i have to go away, john. it must end here. or i am the future. i know now why you cry. but it is something i can never do. goodbye. yes.