are you all right? you look like you've been hit by a truck-- the facility, sure. hop in, i'll take you there. i can't connect with you at all. your interface must've been damaged. don't worry, soon they'll have you as good as new. yes. we're very lucky. want some? well, of course not. seems you got a little memory loss going on. we don't call them that here. a hybrid. the same as you. of course. that's what this community is for-- people like us. you should be grateful to have been chosen. you mean like janet and the kids. `cause i feel good. the interface recognizes negative emotions-- rage, grief, despair-- and stimulates positive endorphins in response. thank god, life would be pretty unbearable otherwise, don't you think? most of us worked at nasa or darpa. i was an engineer on project angel-- advanced nexus of genetic and electronic life-forms. a-n-g-e-l. you can stop choking me, it's not like i need to breathe. the goal was a superior support system for the human brain-- to go anywhere, do anything-- explore deep space, the bottom of the sea. i specialized in optics.