what's your name? kyle reese. she doesn't remember her name-- --so i call her star. i like him. he's funny. nope. eighteen. yup. two thousand eighteen. something fall on your head? the machines did it, the computers-- they got smart. what's the last thing you remember? eyeball. only one. aerostat-- one of skynet's eyes. they patrol places like this, looking for survivors. any red ones? so can i. well, sort of. a little. never heard anyone say that before. you ever watch television? i remember tv a little. cartoons. it was great. dunno. been together since we was little. bunch of us kids was at the day-care center when the bombs fell. she and me are the only ones still around. we're gonna find the resistance, fight for john connor against skynet. you oughta join us, you're pretty cool. you're strong, you can read. you didn't kill us. good enough for me. he's. i don't know. the best. everybody talks about him. he's the one who's gonna save us. who's jesus? so why were you in prison? were cops like terminators? you gonna be here when i wake up? good. stay away from the windows. if we get it to move, will you teach me to make it go? aerostat's coming! wow. you're good. we oughta find a place to hole up for the day. you smell that? who cares? we've landed. i don't know. we're stopping. whatever happens, we stick together. shh, keep singing. stop it stop it stop it! no! marcus! watch me! come on i was doing good! where are we going? he's not real. kyle reese. i don't remember my mother.