yeah, i'm pretty much done with it. chosen? lucky me. you don't need to be scared. cancer? i'm a regular hero. no one lives forever. what can i say. i was seventeen, i was angry, i was stupid. hallelujah. hey! yo, over here! you're human. you can see me, you can touch me. this place is real. those things with masks, red eyes-- if i'm not in hell, where am i?! first put down the shotgun. i don't wanna kill anyone. i don't like it when people point guns at me. you took on a guy like me with one bullet and an empty shotgun? pretty stupid. in the city. seemed kinda dead to me. that wasn't a helicopter. marcus. marcus wright. what year is it? fifteen years. i've lost 15 years. so who did it to us? terrorists? the russians, the chinese--? the nukes. there was a war, right? who started it? dying. that flying grapefruit, what was it? jalapeo sauce. no thanks. not hungry. i look the same. oh yeah. was about all i ever had to look forward to in the joint. she your sister? so this is it? your life? you don't know me. skynet runs the machines? so who's this john connor? yeah, right. him and jesus. you're asking the wrong guy. i killed a cop. well. nah, some of `em were all right. sure. the bible. my grandma always tried to get me into it, but-- it always put me to sleep. ". of the tribe of simeon, shaphat the son of hori. of the tribe of judah, caleb the son jephunneh--" "guaranteed lowest prices. open seven days" it's a flower. a rose. guess people had it pretty good. you know, pianos, guitars. come on. you must. "i can't get no. satisfaction" "we are family. i got all my sisters with me" no, huh. how about. "twinkle twinkle little star" you ok? it's called driving. sure. pop the clutch! let your foot up! sort of. no! you're doing fine. stop the car. damn it. empty. what is this? spit it out! oops. name's marcus. i'm heading that way. i've got to get to my friends-- couple of kids. they were in that flying dumpster-- hydrobots? you're with the resistance. i don't know. this has gotta be some kind of, like, dream or hallucination. like what happens to people right before they die. let's hear it. what the hell for? i've never seen trees like these. freaky. what was that? they're surrounding us. dog eat dog world. staf? what's that mean? i'm not gay. in prison, i thought about puss-- women all the time. but now. it's not working. who knows, all those years on ice. i dunno. they just. sorta reminded me of her. there's a woman, the last woman i saw before. when i was under, the dead time-- she kept coming to me. i think she must've saved me. we're in somebody's garden. over there. boo! get me the hell down from here! why are you doing this? what is this place? corpus christi. it's in texas. or it was. what are you talking about? i'm a man! so this guy is what, like king of the world, or what's left of it? yeah, well, humanity's never done all that much for me. why can't i see him? this shit is ridiculous. what the hell do you want from me? so do i! i don't know what i am, what i'm doing here, i don't know shit-- maybe i never did, but-- i'm sick of it! just blow my head off or let me go. what? you're out of your mind, aren't you? feels like i been here before. what are you gonna do to me? hello? anyone there? i need water. please, i'm-- why are you doing this? so what am i? you think they'll buy that? i'm heading across the river. i'm not human, remember? it's the only thing i can think of that makes any sense. for all i know, they're the reason i'm back from the dead. where's that go? thank you. don't mention it. what the hell is this? among other things. look, i'm trying to find some friends-- a couple of kids. they were taken here, i saw some buildings-- marcus. i didn't think there was-- anything like this left. anywhere. this isn't food. terminators! what are you? a hybrid-- human and machine? jesus. why? what about the ones who weren't? your family. you lost them? tell me everything. how did you people get here? angel-- what is it? english! like fuck it is. i'm sick of being your guinea pig, what are you doing to me now?! you all work for skynet! the end of the world. into-- this? a brain in a box? destroying the human race in order to save it. no, stop. i don't want it! you're dead inside, all of you! i'm not sure i know how to describe it. when i was a kid my grandmother would go on about heaven. it always sounded so boring. a time machine. connor was right. i've just heard him speak. in the world outside-- the survivors think skynet is the enemy, out to destroy them. why don't you tell them about all this? then why. some people i knew were picked up, taken here. yes. what is this place? that's them. of course. i. i understand. i need to go back! what do i do? let them go. i said, let them go! now you're pissing me off. we've gotta get out of here. stay down! i know. long story. the trees! there. i'm sorry. there are more prisoners, a complex about a mile in-- yeah, well. get in line. i don't feel a thing. help somebody else. they're not people anymore. no one lives forever. i have no idea. i should be dead. so to speak. yeah, simpler to keep it man versus machine. better than anything. everything made sense. for the first time in my life, i felt. right. it was heaven. i never really believed in heaven. you're asking me to become. him? why me? yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death. 131: you're not the only one with a death sentence. terminators-- t-400s. what is this stuff? texas! what's a joint? prison. spent half my life there. my little brother max, pretty wild kid, not much older than you-- he stole a car, just joy-riding, y'know, showing off. max must be dead too, now. like everybody else. still does. what else we got. movers, mufflers, music-- not too many around in my time. that's him! it's good! tasted like chicken. yo! morrison, barnes! can anybody hear me?! we're in the middle of the mine field. it sounds completely human. it really could pass. i-- i need to know what you are. i know for a fact that soon machines will be travelling back decades. to try and stop us from winning this war before it begins. i'm thirsty. want some motor oil? why in god's name would you help a terminator escape? our brains are powered by fuel cells, remember? it's a graveyard. why don't you drive? what did it feel like? to be. one of them? we can't keep him alive much longer. very few people know what john actually looks like. only the technicians and our closest advisors need ever know the truth.