marcus-- i'm doctor serena kogan, i'm with project angel. you consented to donate your body to science. you've been chosen for our research. we just need a couple of signatures. i'm not. it's nerve degeneration. thank you. and. i'm sorry. why isn't he conscious? something's wrong, he should be coming out of it by now. marcus! there was no choice-- the old civilization had to be eliminated. to make way for a new world. a world without death or suffering. calm down, marcus. it's all right. repairing you. please. skynet works for us. it's only a program-- a tool, a means to an end. its sole purpose is to protect humanity. skynet had access to the entire defense web-- including project angel. it determined hybrids were the only path to salvation. when the resistance attacked our installation, we were forced to self-destruct. we would have taken you with us, but we thought you were in a permanent coma. we're immortal. no sane person would choose to live in pain, forever. soon you'll understand. how are you feeling, marcus? it's called happiness. you've been angry all your life. you don't know what it's like to feel. a part of something. pure ecstasy. we can share in it together. were you bored just now? nanotechnology, polymimetic metals. working with skynet, we're making amazing breakthroughs, well beyond anything possible before judgment day. we've already freed ourselves from biological limits. soon we'll transcend the laws of physics. the resistance leader? you know him? he's a dangerous man. delusional. he thinks he's a savior, but all he's really fighting for is. death. not everyone can become like us, marcus. we just don't have the resources to sustain more than a few thousand hybrids. a boy and a girl-- in the last day or two? part of the neural net-- human minds linked directly with artificial intelligence. the processing power of the human brain is still beyond anything skynet can manufacture. good news. he'll soon be part of the network-- you'll be able to connect with him. i don't know-- i have to go. will you be all right? of course you will. why, marcus? you were immortal.