watch this for me, big buns. yes, chuck? mission control to chuck, come in. aren't i worth waiting for? i don't know. i kinda had my heart set on being a cashier the rest of my life. thanks, chuck. i need the alright! it's not brain surgery, chuck. i won't let the fat kid down. hi, i'm sarah and i'll be you waitress. i'm so wholesome, i could puke. yes sir, just a second. who gets the burly burger? okay, who gets the burly beef? oh, sorry. that's not real leather, is it? i haven't seen you in here lately, mr. miller. you must have a girlfriend. aha! is she young? what's it to ya? i'm on break, chuck. carla's got my station. i'm sarah. ginger's roommate. yeah, really? say some- thing in italian. i don't believe you did that. i had him hooked. he was just about to ask me out. i could tell. i'll do the same for you sometime. hi, matt. hello? ginger! it's matt. who is this? sure, bunky. what do you think? how about this? you're a big help. i hate the beige one. this guy's probably a schmuck and i don't care what i wear. you think the beige? ginger, have you seen pugsley? i thought you did. come here young man. mind your mother. you still love me, don't you, pugsley? i'm going to a movie, kiddo. see ya'. you and matt have a good time. leave it where it is! i think somebody's after me and i sure hope you play this soon 'cause i need you and matt to come pick me up. the police keep transferring me around, but i'm going to try them again. the number here is 468-9175. call me, kiddo. i need you. it's stoker's on pico. bye. look, lieutenant. uh, vukovich, don't put me on hold and don't transfer me to another department. yes, but i don't want to leave. i think this guy's following me. lieutenant vukovich? oh my god. yes. don't hurt me. this is a mistake. i haven't done anything. i can't believe this is happen- ing. how could than man get up after you. a machine? you mean, like a robot? but. he was bleeding. look, reese, i know you want to help, but. hey, i'm not stupid, y'know. they can't build anything like that yet. so, it's from the future, is that right? and you're from the future too? right. just let me go. can you stop it? reese. why me? why does it want me? tell me. just start at the beginning. i don't understand. the what? reese! lieutenant, are you sure it's them? maybe i should see the . bodies. of, god. ginger. kiddo, i'm so sorry. i guess so. you're a doctor? is reese crazy? so reese is crazy. but. but what about him punching through the windshield? i can't sleep. okay. freezing. reese. you got a first name? kyle, what's it like when you go through time? you're wet. oh my god. caught one? you mean you got shot? we gotta get you to a doctor. forget it? are you crazy? let me see it. jeez. you idiot. take this off. this is gonna make me puke. talk about something. just talk. tell me about my son. is he tall? what's he like? well, at least i know what to name him. i don't suppose you'd know who the father is? so i don't tell him to get lost when i meet him. stop! i don't want to know. hold still. so. it was john that ordered you here? you volunteered? you talk about things i haven't done yet in the past tense. it's making me crazy. i can't think. are you sure you've got the right person? come on, me? the mother of the future? am i tough? organized? i can't even balance my checkbook. i cry when i see a cat that's been run over. and i don't even like cats. and anyway, what do i know about guerrilla warfare? look, reese, i didn't ask for this honor and i don't want it. any of it. you like it? it's my first. okay. talk some more. about where you're from. i was dreaming about dogs. your world. it's pretty terrifying. put that away. i'll get one. this works. really. he's a surfer. no, he's from the future. thanks. let's get cleaned up, kyle. i know, mom. this is the soonest i could. i know. mom. mom, i can't talk long. no, i'm okay. i was on tv? really? oh no, i hate that picture. why didn't you give them my graduation picture? i'm okay, really. listen, i want you to pack some stuff and go up to the cabin for a few days. just don't. no, don't ask any questions. just do it. i gotta get going. gotta go. bye, bye. thanks a lot. that's where we're going. look. i found it. isn't that it? cyber dynamics corporation? didn't you say that they're going to develop this revolutionary new thing. whatever. they become the hotshot computer guys so they get the job to build el computer grande. skynet. for the government. right? well, we're gonna uninvent the bastard. eighty-six it. we'll blow up the place. burn it down. something. reese. think it through. we can prevent the war. nobody else is gonna do it. if we go to anybody official we wind up back in jail and then that walking cuisinart has got us again. we have to so it ourselves. listen. understand. i'm not a military objective, reese. i'm a person. you don't own me. fuck you! let go of me! let. go. bastard. oh, that's real smart. go on, shoot me. that's brilliant. jesus christ, reese. can't you see i'm scared? i can't spend my life waiting for that thing to catch up with me. always looking over my shoulder, wondering if i left some tiny clue behind. reese? kyle? we can change it, kyle. we have to try. there's no fate but what we make for ourselves. right? come on. let's go, kiddo. whaddya say? yes. and i don't want to know where you got it. we need a room. with a kitchen. i'm dying for a shower. you could use one too. and we'd better check that bandage. no, mom, i can't tell you where i am. i was told not to say. okay, here's the number. are you ready? it's 408-972-1439. room 14. okay, i've gotta go. i'm sorry i can't tell you very much now, mom. i love you. let's see. corn syrup. ammonia. moth balls. mmm. what's for dinner? what's that? you must have had a fun child- hood. i was thinking, there's so much i've got to show you when we get through this. it's mind boggling, the pos- sibilities. disneyland, the beach, movies. matinees with popcorn and foot-long hot dogs. i want to buy you a hot dog so bad,kyle. all the things you've never seen and done. you're here, but wherever you go, and whatever you touch, you bring the war with you. i want it to be over for you. i want it to be over for me too. i feel like i slipped over some invisible line, that i'm in your world now. everything's the same, but i see it differently. it's like, there's you and me, and him. but nobody else can understand or help or even touch us. he'll find us, won't he? don't say that. it'll never be over, will it? look at me, i'm shaking. some legend, huh? you must be pretty disappointed. kyle, the women in your time. what were they like? that's not what i meant. was there someone special? a girl. you know. i'm sorry. so much pain. and so you feel nothing. oh, kyle. kyle. i bet you're ticklish. you'll beg for mercy in a second. you're not supposed to. kyle. oh god. alriiight! come on, come on, come on . run, you. hold on real tight, okay? hold on, goddamnit! we did it, kyle. we got it. what are you doing? i'm not leaving you anywhere you jerk. haven't you figured it out? kyle, john is our son. there isn't going to be anybody else. i don't want anybody else. listen to me! move! reese! let's go. move you ass! come on! you're. terminated. fucker! and the hardest thing is deciding what i should tell you and what not to. well, anyway, i've got a while yet before you're old enough to understand the tapes. they're more for me at this point. to help get it all straight. should i tell you about your father? that's a tough one. will it change your decision to send him here. knowing? but if you don't send kyle, you could never be. god, you can go crazy thinking about all this. i suppose i'll tell you. i owe him that. and maybe it'll be enough if you know that in the few hours we had together we loved a lifetime's worth. that's a pretty good hustle, kid. four. quatro. what did he say? I know.