six shots at less than ten feet. weapon was a large caliber-- come on. man. don't track it all over. it's un- professional. okay, let's see. got a pos- itive on her. she's sarah connor, works as a legal-- here's her driver's license. i hate the weird ones. that stuff's two hours cold. i put a cigarette out in it. no. keep getting an answer- ing machine. i already did. no answer at the door and the apartment manager's out. i'm keeping them there. i just called. same shit. i hate the press cases. especially the weird press cases. where you going? like shit, boss. suspect westbound on olympic. grey sedan. has hostage, repeat. this is fucking great. that silberman just crack me up. he had this guy in here last week who set his afghan on fire. screwed it first, then set it on-- probably on pcp, broke every bone in his hand and won't feel it for hours. there was this guy once that. what? ed, come on. the guy's a wacko. watch him. ed! ed?