montage of driving shots as louise and thelma drive through the intense beauty of the arizona desert. louise drives through the desert back towards the road, past the burning debris of the truck. as she gets to the road she stops. thelma climbs into the front seat. it does look like an army. more police cars have joined, and from every direction, police cars are swarming across the desert, although none are in front of them. way off in the distance, a helicopter joins the chase. behind them is a huge wall of dust created by all the police cars following them. in front of them, looking larger every moment, is the awesome splendor of the grand canyon. all the police cars are still following about a half a mile behind. the car is bouncing and flying across the desert. finally, they get about twenty yards from the edge and louise slams on the brakes. two of the arizona cops by their cars, as they are loading weapons, talk quietly. hal is about to crawl out of his skin. he can't believe this thing is getting out of control. he jumps in front of max. hal's eyes widen for a moment at what he sees, and then a sense of calm overtakes him and he mouths the word "alright." the cops all lower their weapons as looks of shock and disbelief cover their faces. a cloud of dust blows through the frame as the speeding car sails over the edge of the cliff.