louise and thelma are singing along to a wild r&b song. they do the hand movements as if they are the supremes. louise bears down really hard and passes him. again as they get right next to him, he blows kisses down at them. wide shot of car speeding through the desert on an empty highway west. driving shot -- thelma has her face to the sun with her eyes closed. louise is driving with a fierce intensity. they hardly resemble the two women that started out for a weekend in the mountains two days earlier. although their faces are tanned and lined and their hair is blowing wildly there is a sense of serenity that pervades. there are now two police cars behind them about half a mile back. they are going really fast. a police helicopter catches up to them and orders them to stop. thelma stands and flips them off. the first two police cars are approaching the same intersection. they are driving side by side. there is still a huge cloud of dust that now covers the third car in the middle of the intersection. louise swerves off the road and begins driving across the desert. all the police cars take off across the desert after them. they are now being pursued by at least fifteen cars.