could you identify 'em, if ya saw 'em again? well, you're not exactly an expert witness, but what makes you so sure? who do you think did it? lena, just cut the bullshit, will ya? do have any ideas or don't ya? i been standin' in this stupid parkin' lot all goddamn night, and i still got to go file a report before i can go home in time to get back up again! you didn't happen to notice what kind of car they were driving? alright, lena. go on home. we might have to call you in for some more questioning. what's that? whose? you guess? all we know is there were two women in a green t-bird convertible that turned left out of the parking lot, going real fast. we're trying to get a make on the car, but nothin' yet. so far, we got nothin'. alright. that's certainly possible. i have no problem with that. the prints on the trunk of the car match those of thelma dickinson. and the husband says a gun is missing. she took a lot of stuff. it looks like she maybe planned on being gone a while. the strange thing is, her husband said she would never touch that gun. he got it for her 'cause he's out late a lot, but he said she'd never touch it, wouldn't learn to shoot it, just left it in a drawer for years. we're lookin'. they were on their way to some guy's cabin and they never showed up. we're lookin'. we hope you're lookin' too. honey? do you think you could ever shoot someone? do you think you could ever think of a set of circumstances that would just cause you to haul off and shoot someone? why? i'm asking you seriously, sarah, a stranger? on what? yeah, i could too. but. i don't know why i'm even asking you this. it's just. we can't place anybody at the scene but these two gals that everybody swears is sweet as pie. i don't know. i keep hearing words -- impossible -- inconceivable. if just one person would say. that's what everybody says. only problem is nobody's husband was unaccounted for that night. could you shoot eddie in the face? at point blank range? i gotta go to little rock. as you know, we've tapped your phone. in the event that she calls in. the important thing is not to let on that you know anything. we want to try and find out where they are. now i don't want to get too personal, but do you have a good relationship with your wife? are you close with her? my lord. tell us about him. this is serious, son. a man is dead. is this the guy you saw them with? armed robber. that's thelma dickinson's husband. well, son, she's doin' a damn sight better 'n you right now. we spoke with a gentlemen today who says he personally delivered very close to that same amount to a miss louise sawyer. do you know her too? he said he took it to a motel in oklahoma city. he also says that at that time he met a man. he identified you through a series of mug shots. he also told us that you and mrs. dickinson seemed "close." is that true? did either of them ever indicate that they might be running from the law? you know what? you're starting to irritate me. do you mind if i have a word with him alone for a minute. son, i gotta feelin' about somethin' and i just wanna ask your opinion. do you think thelma dickinson would have committed armed robbery if you hadn't taken all their money? cat got your tongue? there's two girls out there that had a chance, they had a chance! and you blew it for 'em. now they've gotten in some serious trouble, some very serious trouble and for at least part of it, i'm gonna hold you personally responsible for anything that happens to them. i've got no feelin' for you. but i may be the only person in the world who gives a rat's ass what happens to them and you're either gonna tell me every damn thing you know, so there's a small chance i can actually do them some good, or i'm gonna be all over you like a fly on shit for the rest of your natural life. your misery is gonna be my goddamn mission in life. that's a sincere promise. now, for one thing, you violated your parole two days out. and you know judge hainey. he hates this sort of thing. once he gets wind of this, he's gonna blow sky high. and then when he finds out that you're a possible accessory to murder and armed robbery, well, i think we can safely place your ass back in the slammer for at least the remaining eight, don't you? mr. dickinson, if you'll just hang on, i want a word with you and then we'll take you home. shit. hello, miss sawyer. i'm hal slocumbe, chief investigator, homicide, arkansas state police. how are you? you girls are in some hot water. you're both okay? neither one of you hurt? you're bein' careful with that gun? good. you wanna tell me what happened? i just want you to know, neither one of you are charged with murder yet. you're still just wanted for questioning. although, now, mrs. dickinson's wanted in oklahoma for armed robbery. miss sawyer, i don't think y'all are gonna make it to mexico. we should talk. please. i wanna to help you. he's got nothin' to gain by lyin'. nothin' at all. he already got all their money. i just don't know what we're dealin' with here. anyway, it went out again last night on nationwide teletype. let's just wait it out a little longer. she said she was gonna call back. let's just sit tight. it don't matter. brains will only get you so far and luck always runs out. hello, louise. how are things goin' out there? you're still with us though. you're somewhere on the face of the earth? i swear. louise, i almost feel like i know you. you're gettin' in deeper every moment you're gone. i do believe you. that's what i want everybody to believe. trouble is, it doesn't look like an accident and you're not here to tell me about it. i need you to help me here. did harlan puckett. you want to come on in? then i'm sorry. we're gonna have to charge you with murder. now, do you want to come out of this alive? louise, i'll do anything. i know what's makin' you run. i know what happened to you in texas. max. you gotta take me there! i'm. i'm the only one she's ever talked to. i don't want anybody losin' their heads. you know what happens. the volume gets turned way up and the next thing you know those girls are gonna get shot. hey! don't let them shoot those girls. this is too much. they got guns pointed at 'em! max! let me talk to 'em! i can't believe this! you've gotta do something here! i'm sorry to bother you, i know you're real busy right now, but how many times, max? how many times has that woman gotta be fucked over? you could lift one finger and save her ass and you won't even do that? shit! i can't fucking believe this!