darryl in the den of their house. the room is a mess. darryl is mad, but he's still watching the game. hal and darryl in den. the tv drones in the b.g. hal is on the phone to the fbi man. darryl is sitting on a chair looking dazed. other law enforcement types roam around the house. police are tapping the phones, dusting for prints, etc., while darryl sits motionless in his recliner with a dull expression on his face. frustrated, hal slams down the phone. he looks over at the surveillance man who nods to say "we got it." the whole room reacts excitedly. everyone in the room springs into action. max immediately picks up the phone and hal watches him intently. he mouths the words to max -- "i wanna go" emphatically. max slightly shakes his head, still of the phone. hal goes charging over to max. darryl sits practically comatose in a big chair. his eyes have a dull glaze as he stares first at one wall, then another.