well i'll be damned. isn't that strange. what kind of gun was it? right. where are they? we're going to leave someone here at the house in the event that she calls in. someone will be here until we find them. well, if she calls, just be gentle. like you're happy to hear from her. you know, like you really miss her. women love that shit. good god. do you understand that you may be facing an accessory charge? oh, happy day. they're flying him here right now. he was picked up this morning for parole violation. they also found about six grand on him, so he probably knocked over something while he was out there. they can drop him by here for questioning. i'm so happy. where did you get $6600.00 in cash? did you know that mrs. dickinson and miss sawyer are wanted in connection with a murder? yeah. me too. oh, definitely. it's just not working like this. we gotta do something. it'd be one thing if these girls were hardened criminals, but jesus, hal, this is makin' us look bad. i don't know. maybe they're not movin'. maybe that little creep lied. we don't have a whole lotta choice, do we? i can't figure out if they're real smart or just really, really lucky. hello. she wants to talk to you. okay, hal, okay. you're not even going to believe this. the women are armed, hal. this is standard. now you stay calm here. these boys know what they're doin'. get a hold of yourself! you are way out of your jurisdiction, now come on! calm down! don't make me sorry i let you come! hey. hey!