i got it! hello. well, wait now. i still have to ask darryl if i can go. he already thinks you're out of your mind, louise, that don't carry much weight with darryl. are you at work? i'll call you right back. darryl! honey, you'd better hurry up. i'm sorry, doll, i just didn't want you to be late. hon. have a good day at work today. hon? you want anything special for dinner? funny how so many people wanna buy carpet on a friday night. you'd almost think they's want to forget about it for the weekend. 'bye, honey. i won't wait up. he's gonna shit. what time are you gonna pick me up? what kind of stuff do i bring? okay. i will, too. i don't know how to fish, louise. psycho killers. i wanna take it anyway. just in case. in case there's some escaped psycho killer on the loose, who cuts the electricity off and tries to come in and kill us. we'd have to. that thing barely makes it down the driveway. louise, will you take care of the gun? oh, come on, louise. psycho killers, bears. snakes! i just don't know how to use it. so will you take care of it? whose place is this again? i've never had the chance to go out of town without darryl. 'cause i didn't ask him. well, he has never let me go. he never lets me do one goddamn thing that's any fun. all he wants me to do is hang around the house the whole time while he's out doing god only knows what. i left him a note. i left him stuff to microwave. i guess you haven't heard anything from jimmy. yet? never mind. how much longer is it gonna be? i'm hungry. i'll never make it. can't we stop just for a few minutes. then what difference does it make if we stop? come on. i never get to do stuff like this. isn't this fun? i'll have wild turkey straight up and a coke back, please. tell me somethin'. is this my vacation or isn't it? i mean, god, you're as bad as darryl. well, i've had it up to my ass with sedate! you said you and me was gonna get outta town and, for once, just really let our hair down. well, darlin,' look out 'cause my hair is comin' down! yeah! well, we left town for the weekend 'cause we wanted to try and have a good time. and because louise here is mad because her boyfriend won't call her while he's out on the road. we just wanted to get somethin' to eat. your name's harlan? i got an uncle named harlan! oh, sure. that'd be fun. jeez, louise, that wasn't very nice. so what if he was? it's all your years of waitin' tables has made you jaded, that's all. well, just relax, will ya. you're makin' me nervous. so, jimmy still hasn't called yet? i'm sorry, louise. i know you're all upset. it's just i'm so excited to be out of the house, i guess. i wonder if darryl's home yet. why don't you tell him to just to get lost once and for all? jimmy'll come in off the road, you won't be there, he'll freak out and call you a hundred thousand times, and sunday night you'll call him back and, by monday. he'll be kissin' the ground you walk on. in the meantime, you said we were gonna have some fun. so let's have some! ready when you are. louise, i'm gonna come with you. i don't feel so good. oh shit. stop. i'm spinning. i guess i'm startin' to feel a little better. i think i need to keep walking. don't. i'm married. i don't feel good. i've been sick. stop it! goddamnit, i mean it! louise is gonna wonder where i am. let go! don't hurt me. harlan. please. louise! oh my god. jesus christ! louise, you shot him. shit! i. i, which way? louise. louise. where are we going? shouldn't we go to the cops? i mean, i think we should tell the police. i don't know. just tell 'em what happened. all of it. that he tried to rape me. louise. are you alright? yes. our next move? i'll say one thing, louise. this is some vacation. i sure am having a good time. this is real fun. just what is that supposed to mean? so this is all my fault, is it. i have to go to the bathroom. i. sorry. collect from thelma. thanks. i'll try later. what? oh, i don't know. let me look. sixty-four dollars. umm. shit. forty-four dollars. i'm cash poor. why are you unpacking? you said we were just gonna take a nap. well, when you figure it out, wake me up. what do you mean? actin' like what?! how am i supposed to act? 'scuse me for not knowing what to do after you blow somebody's head off! i suggested we go to the police, but you didn't like that; so, frankly, louise, i'm all out of ideas. give me the keys. my stuff's in the trunk! god! you care more about that car than you do about most people. did you finish thinking? don't get mad, louise, but where are we going? you talked to him?! is he mad? did you tell him? i called the asshole at 4:00 in the morning and he wasn't even home. i don't know what he's got to be mad about. i'm the one who should be mad. do you think darryl's having an affair? but you think he fools around. i. i don't know. i don't know what you're askin' me. i think he does. fool around. call him? will i be? walks around to the side of the building to the phone. she picks it up and dials. collect from thelma. honey? i'm. i'm with louise. we're in the mountains, we're. darryl. baby. darryl, calm down now, honey. please don't get so mad. i can explain. only for one day and we'll be back tomorrow night. darryl, please. you're my husband, not my father, darryl. darryl. go fuck yourself. no. thanks. sorry. collects herself as she walks back to the car. she gets in and is drying her eyes, looking in the side mirror. in the mirror she sees the hitchhiker come back around from the side of the building. he is several feet behind the car, and she watches him as he removes his long-sleeved shirt and stuffs it into his duffel bag. now he is just in t-shirt and jeans. he looks good. really good. she watches in the mirror as he picks up his stuff and heads towards the road. she can see him as he's walking. he stops. he's thinking. he heads over to the car. umm. i think we're going to oklahoma city. but i'm not sure. ummm. well, see, it's not really up to me. it's not my car. umm, we'll have to ask my friend, but she'll probably say no. she's a little uptight. well, we can ask her. that won't hurt. louise, this young man is on his way back to school and needs a ride, and i thought since. louise. see how polite he is? he was really nice. i wish we could've brought him with us. he said "okay, thelma. i just wanted to know you were alright. i hope you're havin' a good time. you sure deserve one after puttin' up with me all the time. i love you, honey." how long before we're in goddamn mexico? i just don't see what it would hurt just to give somebody a ride. did you see his butt? darryl doesn't have a cute butt. you could park a car in the shadow of his ass. well, it looks like we can get on this road 81 that heads down towards dallas, then cut over to. wait. what? you want to go to mexico from oklahoma and you don't want to go through texas? i know, louise, but we're running for our lives! don't you think you could make an exception just this once?! i mean, look at the map. the only thing between oklahoma and mexico is texas! no, louise. how come you never said what happened? okay. we'll go around texas to get to mexico. this is crazy. i'll tell you what. he is gooood lookin'. so j.d., what are you studying in school? darryl, that's my husband, he says he's not ready. he's still too much of a kid himself. he prides himself on being infantile. louise and darryl don't get along. she thinks he's a pig. twenty-four isn't young. i'd already been goin' out with him ten years when we got married. i've never been with anybody but darryl. it's okay. he is an asshole. most of the time i just let it slide. jimmy! hello, stranger. what in the world are you doin' here? good answer. same goes double for me. this is j.d. he's a student. we're just givin' him a ride to. to here. louise said we could bring him here and then he'd have to go. and that's what he's doin'. he's goin'. aren't you, j.d.? yup. that's him goin'. i love to watch him go. don't mind me, jimmy, i'm just a wild woman. a regular outlaw. i don't care what you say about him. the boy has got it bad. i heard that. so what are you gonna tell him? you are so sweet to that guy, you really are. imagine not wanting to drag him into this. he is a lucky man. well boy, he's got his work cut out for him now, don't he? i won't wait up. you're a vision, louise, a goddamn vision of loveliness, you always are. good idea. louise? louise, is that you? wait! um, where ya going? i don't know. nothin'. took a shower. well, you wanna use the shower? she's off with jimmy, that's her boyfriend. oh, yes, well, they can be. you wanna drink? stop, stop, stop! who are you? j.d.! just tell me. i know you're not some schoolboy. now come on, nobody ever tells me shit. what?! parole officer? you mean you're a criminal? what did ya do? you're a bank robber? what? how? no, i mean how would you do it? do you just sneak in real fast or hide out till the store closes or what? tell me. my gosh, you sure gentlemanly about it. god. you're a real live outlaw! and smooth, boy, you are smooth. you're kinda the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. hi. nothing. it got messed up. nothing. why? do i seem different? well, i'm not on drugs. but i might be crazy. oh my god, louise!!! i can't believe it! i just really can't believe it! i mean. whoa! i mean i finally understand what all the fuss is about. this is just a whole 'nother ball game! you know, louise, you're supposed to be my best friend. you could at least be a little bit happy for me. you could at least pretend to be slightly happy that for once in my life i have a sexual experience that isn't completely disgusting. taking a shower. ummm. it's on the table. it's okay. i don't remember. goddamnit! i've never been lucky! not one time! shit. that little sonofabitch burgled me. i don't believe it. louise? are you okay? louise. it's okay. louise? i'm sorry. i mean it. come on. stand up! don't you worry about it. i'll take care of it. just don't you worry about it. get your stuff. come on! damnit, get your stuff and let's get out of here! move! jesus christ, take your damn time. don't worry about it. you want anything? drive! drive! drive away! well! we needed the money! it's not like i killed anybody, for god's sake. i'm sorry. well, we need the money. now we have it. now you get a grip, louise! just drive us to goddamn mexico, will ya! well, i just. alright, ladies and gentleman, let's see who'll win the prize for keepin' their cool. everybody lie down on the floor. if nobody loses their head, then nobody loses their head. you, sir. you do the honors. just empty that cash into this bag and you'll have an amazing story to tell all your friends. if not, you'll have a tag on your toe. you decide. lemme see the map. louise, you'd better slow down. i'll just die if we get caught over a speeding ticket. are you sure we should be driving like this? in broad daylight and everything? oooooweee!! you shoulda seen me! like i'd been doin' it all my life! nobody would ever believe it. maybe. maybe. the call of the wild! yes! i believe i am! try to. isn't that nice? truck drivers are always so nice. the best drivers on the road. ugh!! why do they have to do that? yeah. what for? jeez, louise, tapped the phone? you think so? murder one! god, louise, can't we even say it was self-defense? they don't know that! it was just you and me there. i'll say he raped me and you had to shoot him! i mean, it's almost the truth! why not?! god. the law is some tricky shit, isn't it? how do you know 'bout all this stuff anyway? alright, louise! let's get it over with. darryl. it's me. he knows. what. i just told him if he ever gets to mexico to look us up. i asked him not to tell. i didn't think he would tell anybody. i'm sorry. i mean i. you're right. louise? where are we? idaho? i always wanted to see new mexico. now what? whaddo we do? i'm not suggestin' that! i'm not goin' back. no matter what happens. so don't worry about me. can i ask you kind of a weird question? of all the things in the world that scare you, what's the worst thing that scares you the most? before. what little dogs? like a chihuahua? oh yeah. you mean peek-a-poos. well, to be honest, the idea of getting old with darryl was kinda startin' to get to me. i mean, look how different he looks just since high school. it's bad enough i have to get old, but doin' it with darryl around is only gonna make it worse. i mean, i don't think he's gonna be very nice about it. always lookin' on the bright side, aren't ya? this is so beautiful. i always wanted to travel. i just never got the opportunity. just ignore him. we should have just ignored him. nothing. it's not funny. okay, but. i can't say. harlan. just the look on his face when you. . it's not funny. boy, he wasn't expectin' that! suck my dick. boom!! i know! it happened to you. didn't it? in texas. didn't it? that's what happened. oh my god. okay, louise. it's okay. what! what! oh shit! oh no! what do we do? what do you want to do?! please, god, please don't let us get caught. please, please, please. i told you to slow down. hell, officer, i told her to slow down. officer, i am so sorry about this. could you let go of that? i really, really apologize, but please put your hands on the steering wheel. see, if you get on that radio, you're gonna find out that we're wanted in two states and probably considered armed and dangerous, at least i am, then our whole plan would be shot to hell. louise, take his gun. i swear, before yesterday, neither one of us would have ever pulled a stunt like this. but if you ever met my husband, you'd know why i just can. you wanna step out of the car, please? you wanna put your hands on your head, please? louise, shoot the radio. shoot the radio! the police radio, louise! jesus! you wanna step to the back of the car, please. louise, bring the keys. open the trunk. you wanna step into the trunk, please? you do? well, you're lucky. you be sweet to 'em. especially your wife. my husband wasn't sweet to me and look how i turned out. now go on, get in there. air holes. sorry! hit it. i know it's crazy, louise, but i just feel like i've got a knack for this shit. drive like hell. louise. are we still going to mexico? then aren't we going in the wrong direction? just asking. it's good. it's what the pioneers ate. okay, okay. i've got some tequila. you want some tequila? yeah, you want it? it's in here somewhere. are you alright? you know why. you already said. nobody would believe us. we'd still get in trouble. we'd still have our lives ruined. and you know what else? that guy was hurtin' me. and if you hadn't come out when you did, he'd a hurt me a lot worse. and probably nothin' woulda happened to him. 'cause everybody did see me dancin' with him all night. and they woulda made out like i asked for it. and my life woulda been ruined a whole lot worse than it is now. at least now i'm havin' fun. and i'm not sorry the son of a bitch is dead. i'm only sorry that it was you that did it and not me. and if i haven't, i wanna take this time to thank you, louise. thank you for savin' my ass. no, louise, you said the first part. i said all the rest. come on, louise. don't blow it. let's go. come on. louise? you're not gonna give up on me, are ya? you're not gonna make some deal with that guy, are you? i mean, i just wanna know. i can understand if you're thinkin' about it. i mean, in a way, you've got something to go back for. i mean jimmy and everything. but i don't know. something's crossed over in me and i can't go back. i mean, i just couldn't live. eeuww. gosh, didn't he say anything positive at all? louise, do you think we should change cars, get another car? no. you awake? me too. i feel awake. wide awake. i don't remember ever feelin' this awake. everything looks different. you know what i mean. i know you know what i mean. everything looks new. do you feel like that? like you've got something to look forward to? we can change our names. i wanna get a job. i wanna work at club med. it'd have to be pretty good. you're drivin'. oh my god! louise! look! look! see if that's him! pass him! hi! we're fine! how are you? where you goin'? we think you have really bad manners. i mean really! that business with your tongue. what is that? that's disgusting! does that mean suck my dick? we think you should apologize. you probably even called us beavers on your cb radio, didn't you? damn. i hate that! i hate bein' called a beaver, don't you? shut up. hey. where'd you learn to shoot like that? what? yup. oh shit. louise. do you think he saw us? i guess we shoulda made some kinda plan for what to do if we get caught. how far are we from mexico? how long do you think that'll take? we're going to mexico! uh oh. there's another one. did you see that guy?! he was right in the middle of the road! what?! oh. why? i know this whole thing was my fault. i know it is. louise. no matter what happens, i'm glad i came with you. you're a good friend. i guess i went a little crazy, huh? i guess everything from here on in is going to be pretty shitty. i guess everything we've got to lose is already gone anyway. louise! what in the hell is that up there? way up ahead! what in the hell is it?! isn't it beautiful?!! god! it looks like the army! now what? then let's not get caught. go. go. you're a good friend. hit it.