33. six-four. two-fifty. black. a mechanic. can be jolly. but don't mess. pokes his head out from under the snowmobile. am i starting to look norwegian to you, bwana? how my brothers and sister doing today? doin' fine. what say to some nice al green for my babies, huh? what you? you get the hell on out of here. comin' in here. goin' to urinate on my babies. mac wants the what?! what's happening? where are you? the dogs? "tweren't no dog, bwana. okay now, mac, run this by me again. thousands of years ago this rocket ship crashes, right? and the. macready! well, go on. i just can't believe this voodoo bullshit. you believe this voodoo bullshit, blair? cool it, palmer!! so, macready, come on now. these norwegian dudes come by. find him and dig him up. now how's this motherfucker wake up after thousands of years in the ice, huh? you buy any of this, blair? you're saying. that big muther in the ice, became the dog. he got both choppers and the tractor. i don't know how bad yet. i can get maybe another five or six feet out of it. what is it? where's the other half? they could be hours ahead of us, mac. where's the other one? what we going to do?! but. bullshit! you left it open so they could get out! don't you be telling me. who you trying to protect, mutherfucker? i'm telling you this s.o.b. could be one of them. whose uncontaminated blood we going to use? that key ring of yours is always hooked to your belt. now how could somebody get to it without you knowing? so what?! is that supposed to leave him in the clear?! bullshit! i'll take it. what do we do about those three? you can eighty-six that thought right now, man. no, doc. he's doing a real fine job. ain't it there? be quick. oh, no. no. the generator. you got the auxiliary box just off the kitchen. get to it. where's the damn flashlight? you fellas okay over there? cut that out, copper. nauls? what's taking you?! that's impossible, man! okay, clark, out of the john where i can see you! clark, you come on out here!! where's. where's garry? where are you, garry? don't you move an inch, copper. nauls, bring me a goddamn flashlight! clark, you want me to come in after you?! macready! garry's missing! gee, thanks! where'd you go? i said where? where'd you go?! you lying bastard. you sit back down. well, who says i want you going with me?! don't walk behind me. cut, bullshit. been pulled apart. my babies. now who'd go and do. let go of me. what's it going to do, being a plant? now hold on, you dumb. you stupid, sonofa. no one's that strong, boy! wasn't enough time. generator was out, what? thirty minutes. takes the bastards an hour, maybe two to absorb somebody. he was working on a test. fuchs must have been onto something. these bastards got scared and got rid of him. . hey. where's. nauls!! macready!! how long they been out now? we better start closing off the outside hatchways. cut him loose? if it did get to him. hell no. nothing human could have made it back here in this weather without a guideline. why you so damn anxious to let him in here. no. just let him freeze out there. then we're wrong. damn it, he's got the keys. you're a dead man, macready -- or a dead whatever the hell you are! we found your clothes -- the ones you tried to burn. you been made, macready. move in slow now. we ain't buying that. you're going to have to sleep sometime. what for? you ain't tying me up. then kill me. i guess you do. we should have jumped his ass. load of bullshit. so clark was human, huh? so that make you a murderer. sits stoicly, while he watches the preparations for his turn. let's do it, bwana. muthafu. get me. get me the hell away from. cut me loose, damn it! spaceship of some kind. did you kill it? what do you mean "you think so?" it'll turn black again soon enough. then i guess i'll be losing the whole thing. . think my toes are already gone. so you're the only one who made it. the fire's got the temperature way up all over camp. won't last long though. maybe we should try and fix the radio. try and get some help. then we'll never make it. if you're worried about anything, let's take that blood test of yours. i guess i'll be learning.