45. professional. a decent man. a good doctor. don't "ouch" me. two stitches. it just grazed you. stir crazy. cabin fever. who knows. how do you know? guys as crazy as that could have done a lot of damage to their own before they got to us. yes, there is. i'd like to go up. bennings? screw regulations! four guys could be crawling around on their bellies out there! anybody there?! we're americans! my god, what in hell happened here? they're not swedish, goddamn it, they're norwegian, macre -- christ. laboratory. all in norwegian. could be important work. might as well bring it back. watch it. about nine more hours. probably right. macready and i were listening to some of these cassettes on the way back. like you gentlemen to hear it. goes on like that quite awhile. what do you gentlemen make of it? maybe. there's something else we want you to see. we found this. i know he's pretty badly burned. but could fire have done this? blair, i'd like you and fuchs to help me with autopsies on this one and the one garry shot this morning. nothing wrong with this one. physiologically, anyway. find anything toxic? i don't understand. i don't get you, blair. this really isn't my field, blair. let's wrap for the day. it's for your own protection, blair. put this in blair's juice before you take him his tray. how long do you suppose they've been gone? and if it got to clark. clark could have gotten to anybody. theoretically any of us could be whatever the hell this thing is. a serum test possibly. it's a simple blood typing test. this thing's blood chemistry is different than ours. basically we mix someone's blood with uncontaminated human blood. if we don't get the proper serum reaction -- then that person isn't human. we've got blood plasma in storage. a couple of hours. garry. the rest of you! come here! somebody got to the blood. sabotaged it. i guess i'm the only one. i think so. i don't see how. when i'm finished i return it right away. a day or so ago. i guess. now. wait a second, garry, you've been in here on several occasions. i'll do it. you're going to break the needle in my arm. i'm getting worried about you. you ought to have a checkup. after all this mess then. damn it, quit the bickering and give me a hand. wheel that fibrillator over here. palmer, turn on that oxygen and hold the mask over his face. childs, grab his shoulders. quiet down. . turn that thing on. now hold him. enough, macready! again. more current this time, sanchez. damn you, macready! thank you.