the dog reaches norris and bennings, as they awkwardly wade through the snow, toward the downed copter. fuchs, the young biologist, is finishing up his daily jog around the compound. he stops at the end of a long quonset hut almost completely buried in the snow. the hut is fifty yards long and connects to the main compound. he enters a tunnel from a latch door up top. heavily-clothed, macready, fuchs and dr. copper help a dazed blair to a toolshed some seventy-five yards from the main compound. macready and sanchez are foraging through the trash dump. a siren goes off, signaling the end of a twenty-minute period. sanchez pulls himself out of the trash dump. nauls wearily approaches blair's tool shed with a tray of food. he hears a pounding from within. palmer works on the snowmobile. sanchez resumes searching through the trash. macready, palmer and sanchez heed the call and head for the compound. nauls and macready arrive at blair's shack. they peer in through the spaces between the boards. a strong driftwind streams snow across the ground obscuring everything but the very top of the buildings.