46. the station manager. stiff. ex-army officer. wears a handgun. norwegian. jans bolen. how far's that? that far? you catch anything he was saying? how long have they been stationed there? that's not enough time for guys to go bonkers. how many in their party? nothing we can do about that. in this weather? a tad? forget it, palmer. doc, you're a pain in the ass. norris, go get macready. just go get him. quit the griping macready. sooner you're there -- sooner you're back. look, if you're going to keep bitching, macready -- palmer's offered to take him up. turn that crap down, nauls. you can hear it all over the camp! you reach anybody yet? well, stick to it. what were they involved in? could be anything. men in isolation. some beef that snowballed. got out of hand. what's going on, damn it? we're on fire! extinguishers. i just can't comprehend any of this. it was just a dog. couldn't make much of it myself. sure. you think there's a connection? so? so what? it's over with. so what's our problem? anybody sick? any luck yet? well, stick with it. i want you at it round the clock. we got to get help in here. if the weather clears enough before we reach anybody -- i'm sending you and doc up to macmurdo. the hell you won't, macready! damn you, blair! you've already got everybody half-hysterical around here. i've got six dead norwegians on my hands, a burned up flying saucer, and we've just destroyed the scientific find of the century. now fuck off! doesn't look broken. you're not thinking of going after them, are you? you're not going to catch them in one of those with the start they got. besides, what are you going to do when you catch up to them? but why didn't you kennel that dog right away? hold on, damn it. we're getting nowhere. if this bit of blair's about absorbing and imitating is true. then that dog could have gotten to anybody. what's that? how long will it take you to prepare this? well, get to it. and i've got the only key. ah. no one. i give it to copper when he needs it. i suppose. well, it's possible someone might have lifted it from me. but. look, i haven't been near that. that refrigerator. copper's the only one who has any business with it. hey, sanchez! put that down! i'll put this right through your head. i don't know about copper. but i didn't go near that plasma. but i guess you'll all rest easier if someone else is in charge. can't see anyone objecting to you, norris. was dark. find a light. i rather don't like your tone. let's rush him. he's not going to blow us all up. pure nonsense. this won't prove a damn thing. stares grimly ahead. childs soaks his clothing with a can of gasoline. he is then surrounded. the room tenses, adrenalin pumps, breathing halts. i know you gentlemen have been through a lot. but when you find the time. i'd rather not spend the rest of the winter tied to this couch. make 'em short. they'll go off quicker if we need to use them. one thousand volts. should be enough. what's he saying? i'm going to bump this up, much as i can. how long's it been?