44. stocky. rugged looking. a geophysicist. an incipient heart condition. what the fu. yeah. i caught that he wanted the better part of my ass to come apart. macready ain't going nowhere. bunkered in till spring. anyway, he's probably ripped. you jerking off or just pissed? get your gear on. seems they were spending a lot of time at a place four miles northeast of their camp. maybe the whole camp got bent. something they ate. what about food poisoning, doc? here. this is where they were spending most of their time. one of their sites would be directly over here. magnesium of some type. or some kind of strange alloy. and those poor dumb bastards had to go and blow the hell out of it. you know damn well what we both make of it. seismic activity has been pushing this are up from way down for a long time. . this ice it was buried in. it's over a hundred thousand years old. you been into childs' weed, blair? the back window. a couple of us could maybe surprise him. reaches the fuse box. he opens it. they didn't teach you much about working them either. what in the hell for? even if blair's right -- they'll just die out there. no food. they're over a thousand miles from anything. it's just too damn wild -- i can't believe it. i wear a size large, too. can there be. some kind of test? to find out who's what? somebody else sure as hell thought so. when was the last time you used it? sorry, gentlemen. . don't think i'd be up to it. haven't been feeling well lately. we should sleep in shifts. macready, that you? it's the generator i think! no power. enough. let's just not get worried about anything just now. after all this mess. forty. forty-five minutes. all of you! come here! would have been a perfect time. this is just what it wants. to pit us against each other. he hasn't had enough time. all right. all right. we've got no choice now.