i still think there are diplomatic approaches we haven't considered yet. there is a third option. with either course we undertake the risk of nuclear war. it seems to me maybe one of us in here should be a coward. so i guess i'll be. our third choice is to cut a deal. we trade guantanamo and our missiles in turkey, get them to pull their missiles out. we employ a back channel, attribute the idea to u thant. u thant then raises it at the u.n. just can't get away from you guys. escaping for a night on the town, eh? gotta keep up appearances. of course, i don't care anymore. i'm a political dead man. you ever seen a man cut his own throat like i did today? well, it's all right. i came to tell you, just talked to a friend. reston and frankel have the story. it's going to run tomorrow. yes? busy, ken. what do you need? i hear you. i'm glad it's you calling. i thought it would be bobby. if they're still sticking to their stonewall strategy, i'll get 'em. thanks, ken. i'm an old political cat, jimmy. but i've got one life left. wait here. well, let me say something to you, mr. ambassador, we do have the evidence. we have it, and it is clear and incontrovertible. and let me say something else. those weapons must be taken out of cuba. you, the soviet union, have created this new danger, not the united states. mr. zorin, i remind you that the other day you did not deny the existence of these weapons. but today, again, if i heard you correctly, you now say they do not exist. all right, sir. let me ask you one simple question. do you, ambassador zorin, deny that the u.s.s.r. has placed and is placing medium and intermediate range missiles and sites in cuba? yes or no - don't wait for the translation - yes or no? you are in the courtroom of world opinion right now, and you can answer yes or no. you have denied they exist, and i want to know if i have understood you correctly. and i'm prepared to present the evidence in this room, proving that the soviet union has lied to the world. well then, ladies and gentlemen, since it appears we might be here for a while, shall we have a look at what the soviets are doing in cuba?