which is exactly what they appear to be preparing to do, mr. president. we're tracking 26 ships inbound to cuba. there's no sign they're changing course. the closest ships, the gagarin and the kimovsk, will make the quarantine line by this time tomorrow. russian-speakers have been transferred to all of our ships. once the quarantine takes effect in the morning, our ships will attempt to make radio contact with the approaching vessels. they will be ordered to reduce speed and prepare for inspection. an inspection party will then board and search the ship. if weapons are found, the ship will be ordered to leave the quarantine area or be towed into port upon refusal. a warning shot will be fired across its bow. then we fire at its rudder, disable it, and carry out the inspection. yes, sir. the navy won't let you down, sir. hail them again. very well. load your guns. we've been hailing the groznyy for the last hour, mr. secretary. the groznyy refuses to stop. carrying out our mission, mr. secretary. if you don't mind, we're very busy right now. we need to be able to do our jobs. we're going to follow the rules of engagement. the rules of engagement which the president has approved and signed in his order of october 23rd. yes, captain, you may proceed. clear your guns. that ship was firing starshells. starshells. flares, mr. secretary. goddammitt, i've got a job to do. you've been camped out up there since monday night. you're exhausted and you're making mistakes. interfere with me, you will get some of killed. i will not allow that. get out of our way, mr. secretary. the navy has been running blockades since the days of john paul jones. with all due respect, mr. secretary, we were not firing on the ship. firing on a ship means attacking the ship. we were not attacking the ship. we were firing over it. yes, sir.