grimacing in pain. he opens a pill bottle, takes two pills out. he takes a whiskey in a shot glass from kenny. the camera picks up the darkened windows: the meeting has gone long. the camera moves past kenny and sorensen standing in the doorway to kenny's office, finds the president in his chair across from gromyko on the sofa. rusk, ambassador anatoly dobrinyn, and two interpreters around them. kenny stands there in the doorway, arms folded. as we pull away from him, we reveal the three network t.v. cameras staring straight at us. their red lights go on as one, and we swing around reversing to: a beat. and the president looks up from his notes. flashbulbs go off all around the room as the president walks in, goes over to his desk. reporters observe silently, t.v. cameras track him; kenny, bobby and sorensen watch as the president sits, takes a pen form his pocket. scali finishes debriefing the president, bobby, kenny, mccone, taylor and bundy. kenny enters from his office, finding bobby, rusk and sorensen talking with the president. the president gives him a brief, meaningful look. kenny enters the oval office through his side door. the office is dark, only the desk lamp on. kenny's gaze moves over the trappings of power: the carpet with the presidential seal, the rocking chair by the fireplace, the desk.