how's my favorite president? i want an hour with him. three weeks before midterm elections? you need me. i'm doing a piece on skybolt. i hear macmillan's meeting with him in nassau. pretending there isn't a problem won't fix it. he can clear the air on anglo american relations. let him talk to me, he makes macmillan look good, i print it, the british public likes it, macmillan owes you. hey, kenny! who died? it's tuesday. you said to call. when do i get my 45 minutes? deal. kenny! what happened? they didn't let me up front, said the president was on the phone the whole time. yeah? who was he talking to? acheson? come on, o'donnell, everyone's wondering what's going on. what's acheson doing in town? and don't give me some bullshit about dnc think tanks. acheson's mr. cold war. i'm giving you a chance here: talk to me. you can influence how this thing unfolds. are they going to discuss the military exercises going on in florida? there are major rail disruptions in the south, two airborne divisions are on alert. that exercise is an invasion. this is about cuba. you've never threatened me before. all right. i'm not going to print anything until i have another source. but i promise you, i'll get one.