i'd sure like to eat rhea clark's pussy. there is general laughter, mixed with groans. no, i mean it. i'd like to get down and really grovel on it. spend about a week with my face right in it. nobody in your family ever even been in a corvette, let alone owned one. yeah? how big? me. i want to eat a big red-haired pussy. the others all laugh at him. toby regards them with a sneer. so she said, 'no, i don't want you to do that,' and i said 'oh, baby, let me get down and grovel on it.' i mean, i ate her pussy 'til my tongue was calloused, and then. so anyway, she went off like a roman candle -- i mean that woman can scream. i said, 'you liked that, didn't you, baby?' i said, 'you liked the old arch cook special, didn't you?' arch decides to let the sunglasses go. he and psycho move toward the front of the store, he talks about pussy. toby exhales.