he violated the school property and flouted the law. he wrote obscene words on the wall. he wrote obscene words on the wall. 'fuck you.' look, mrs. wolff, jack's teachers, like him but they think he's fallen in with the wrong kind of friends. is that nicotine stain on your fingers? i hope not. let me tell you a story: i started smoking in college. two packs a day. i ate 'em. one night i went to have a cigarette and lo and behold, the pack was empty. i went downstairs and started to rummage through the garbage cans. but as i reached down -- i mean, right down into a garbage can -- i suddenly thought, 'whoa. hold on right there, buster.' i went back to my room and to this day i haven't smoked another cigarette. after that, every day i saved the exact amount of money i would've spent on cigarettes. in three years, i put it all together, and you know what i bought? i bought myself. . a nash ambassador. caroline gives a bark of laughter. she brings out a handkerchief and coughs, as if she has a cold. mr. shippy looks puzzled. well, back to the point: i think two weeks' suspension.