what are you doing? knock it off! ready for what? what are you supposed to be doing? no you're not. the iraqis are that way. those are our troops you're shooting at. you know what? i think you got schwarzkopf. you did! you got the general right in the ass. now that's good shooting. another month in this desert and i might just. not up to us. up to the iraqis. all they have to do is get out of kuwait. that's 'cause the afganis weren't smart enough to be sitting on top of oil. people suffering is one thing, but when the yuppies aren't going to have enough gas for their bmws it's time to break out the tanks. come on. pack up. we've got a whole lot of nothing to patrol. you know so much about the middle east, you know where we can get something to eat. like learning arabic? you're gonna learn arabic you might as well learn were we can get something to eat around here. don't worry about jaeger. he uses his personality as a form of birth control. can you eat it? if you can't eat it i really don't care what it is. oh, man, you're not going to fall for that. yeah, the deed to the brooklyn bridge. you could turn on a light if someone put your hand on the switch. well, that showed me. now, can we eat? will you knock it off! damn, man. you're going to annoy the iraqis into submission. why you in such a hurry to get to shooting? you all want to lay off? god. i hope the iraqis shoot me; put me out of my misery. what!? what!? you almost got yourself shot, that's what you did. go on, man. it's a fortune box. help, i'm being held prisoner in a puzzle box factory. looks like something a kid would do. there you go, jaeger. just find the buried treasure, and you're a millionaire. yeah, that's exactly what i think. you and the five thousand other suckers who bought those boxes. let's get out of here. we got sand to protect. everybody's got a job to do. figure it this way: at least you get to go home alive. a casual one. better grab up some sand to take home to your family. what are you talking about? don't even. you're not going to show me that tired map. i think you've got some issues to deal with. really, when we get out of here i'm pretty sure it's shrink time for you. wellllll, if you read it it must be true. was it in the star, or the enquirer? and you know what that area is? it's iraq. iraq! we're doing a little thing with them right now; desert storm. maybe you've read about it. i'm thinking about when this war is over. why you figure i'm here? 'cause i got tired of being president of gm? if a brother doesn't play ball, or deal drugs there aren't too many big money prospects around, and i'm not particularly interested in spending the rest of my life fighting the oil companies' wars. so i say if maybe there's something out there, what the hell, that's what i say. it's war. people get lost all the time in war, cut off-- but we all got to be in for this. we all go, or we do nothing. if you say that, then i say you don't know second lieutenant epps very well, do you? it's going to be cool, wes. it's all all right. now this is war. hand me the navicom. hold on boys and girls. hold on. yeah! welcome to beautiful iraq. land of enchantment and riches. cool it, jaeger. hey, wes? wes? i know you think this is crazy, but a couple of hours from now you're going to be one rich dude trying to buy up every other puzzle box out there. why, yes, jaeger. i believe it is. but that's the great thing about gold. a little goes a long way. third. what you're going to do with your third. a car? you're going to buy a car? you're getting gold, and you're going to blow it on wheels? invest it. it's not about being fun. it's about being smart. you take that money, you take care of it, let it grow, and you don't ever have to do anything again. ever. that's freedom. that's what i'm talking about. you know, you sound just like a boy who's never-- take the binoculars. take the goddamn binoculars! shut up! both of you shut the hell up! we can see them, they can see us. we run, they chase. we're going to keep driving. we run they'll shoot us anyway. if we keep driving they might think we friendlies; iraqis. or even if they know we're americans they might get scared, think we're part of a detachment and keep on going. it's the only way. we drive! wave at them. don't look, just wave. figure they don't want to mess with us anymore than we want to mess with them. wha. shoot them! shoot 'em! i steady it out, they blow us out of the sand! damn it! wes, take the wheel. take it! keep it steady. damn it! i said keep it steady. jaeger, go check out the hummer for damage. they shouldn't have been here. this is miles from the battle lines. they were probably deserters. they shouldn't have been out this way, that's all i'm saying. i'm trying to get us paid. i'm trying to get us all paid! as long as there's a chance something is out there we go on. there's not going to be anymore trouble. if there is, we go back, but there won't be. you'll feel different after we find the treasure. money has away of making people feel different. she okay? let's go. what? you can't tell anybody about this. it'd make their heads explode. money, money, money, money. money. low on gas. got to refill. jaeger. jaeger! look at it. look at it! shot to hell. it's been leaking gas since the fire fight. i told you to check for damage. and you missed this? how are you going to miss something like this? get off him. you two fighting's not going to get us anything. what do we do with the humvee? load what you can; water, tools, weapons. anything you think we might need. we're going to keep going 'cause i want some of whatever's out there. but you ever pull something like trying to get my ass stranded out here again, and i'll kill you myself. you got that? say it! faster we get there, faster we get back. don't drink up all of yours, 'cause you aren't getting any of ours. you can catch up. maybe we are crazy for doing this. but if we do it, we do it right. i just needed to explain that in a way i wouldn't have to do it again. he's not so-- how tough you have to be to make the army? all you've got to do is shoot a gun, and stop a bullet. okay, so he was riding you. get over it. what!? what? you didn't step on any mine. if you stepped on a mine you'd be dead by now. nobody uses delayed-fuse mines anymore. paranoid, that's your problem. you're just paranoid. why'd the paranoid one have to find the map? just be cool. just relax. we're going to get off, all right. we'll get you off of there. just. be cool. me and wes are just going to talk. we're going to be right over here. i said be cool, all right? now be cool! i don't know, and i wasn't about to mess with it. maybe that's all the iraqis could afford, okay? maybe they got it on discount. maybe the fuse is messed up. or maybe it's going to go off in two seconds, and we won't have to worry about getting jaeger down off there, all we'll have to worry about is finding the pieces. there's a way. i said nobody dies. nobody dies. we've got rope? break it out. it's not falling asleep. you've only been standing there for three minutes. it falls asleep and you die, so wake it the hell up. me and wes each going take an end of the rope, run our asses of, and yank you off the mine. you're going to be fine. when we start running suck up your breath. you're going to get the wind knocked out of you. you just go when i say go. ready? go! wes is right. if there were any more mines we would have found them. hell, that one you stepped on was probably old anyway; left over from the war with iran. if we step on a mine we'll know it was. let me see the maps. get up and give me the maps. we're on course. northeast, twenty-eight degrees. when we hit the base of the mountain we'll find a pass. i can see it on the recon photo. shouldn't be too hard to traverse. that'll take us to the top and. this. whatever it is. you're not losing trust, are you? i didn't have to stop anything, 'cause nobody was going to do nothing. we're in this together, understand? quiet! shut up and listen! don't! single shots doesn't mean a fire fight. that's not a battle going on. iraqis. a bunch of them. well, it's iraq. i'm not sure, but i'm guessing that has something to do with them being here. they're doing more than slapping. all right. let's get out of here. there's nothing we can do. we carrying any ordinance? not enough. we're out numbered and out gunned. they'd cut us to shreds. i don't want to see people killed any more than you. but we try to help out we die, and all we do is die. there's nothing we can do. we shouldn't even be here in the first place. all we've got to do is make it to the top. we're not going to find anything standing here. let's get to climbing. not much of a pass. picks up again just on the other side. looks like we make it. let me see the map. should be easy going from here. stay on the pass straight to the dot. got to be some kind of landmark; something distinctive. something like that. i hope it means something, otherwise. basically. but the map has been pretty precise so far. i don't think it'll be too hard to-- take cover! let's hit 'em! cover me. clear. i don't know. there's a lot of space up here. they could be just about-- what's weird is how they disappeared. doesn't make sense. doesn't. scatter! stay low. just stay down. we're not going to do anything. they can't shoot us in here. so we wait. if they land, we can take them. if they don't land, then we've got nothing to worry about. move! yeah, i'll surrender. get down! we're right where we should be. i sure don't see much place else around here to hide anything. all right. let's break out some utility shovels, lanterns, and a claymore in case we have to do any blasting. me and jaeger'll climb down, and see what we can see. got to have someone here in case we need help making it back up. doesn't hurt to have a look out either. right now i wouldn't be surprised if eartha kitt showed up singing send in the clowns. nothing. a whole lot of nothing. wherever you want. i heard! what are you doing? it looks like you're not doing anything. get up and dig. get up off your ass and dig! you listen to me. the whole reason we're here is because of you and that map of yours. i didn't do all this for nothing, and i'm not leaving with nothing. if you think for a second i'm giving up just 'cause you're too tired to turn over some dirt, then you don't know john epps too well, do you? so you dig, and you keep on digging 'til i say you don't have to dig anymore. i feel air. probably opens up outside somewhere. that's where the light comes from. couldn't see it with the lanternon. it's giving. no, don't shoot! it's just a mongoose. yeah, bwana, you got it. gold. it's gold. i wouldn't know. i never imagined this. not in my whole life did i ever imagine this. wes! wes, thrown down a pack. i don't think the line will take the weight of a man and the coins. wes!? we'll send the gold up, then me and jaeger'll climb back. what? what? he's not going to leave us. all right. i'll go up, then you send up the gold and-- jesus, jaeger. someone's got to send the gold up. it can't get on the line by itself. all right. you go up, i'll send up the gold, then follow. if you're even thinking about leaving me down here, you better think again. okay! wes? jaeger? jaeger? jaeger!? what the hell took so long. not when you're up here with the gold, i guess not. it'll be too dark to make our way back now. let's bed down for the night and head out at first light. what about it? we started this together, and we're staying together, so there's no point in splitting things up now. it stays as it is. we're halfway home now. let's not blow it by people getting ideas. you've had your say, wes. now leave it. maybe i do. i told you: when i straighten someone out they stay straightened. this is how it works: nobody touches the gold. except when we're on the move and someone's carrying it, nobody so much as opens the pack to get an eyeful of it. agreed? then get up and do something about it. then just lay there and bleed. get off him. get off him! what happened? stop it! tell me what he's saying. why'd he come in our camp. how's he going to want the gold? he couldn't even know we had it. doesn't matter. whatever he wanted he didn't get it. we've got no need staying around here. it's light enough. let's pack up and head out. you said he was a deserter. you don't know that. we don't leave him, we don't take him with us. what does that leave? you're out of your mind. i'm not going to let you kill him. we are not at war! you and i and jaeger are awol. we have no authority-- i've got no stomach for murder. it's murder, and i won't be any part of it. no. we should head northeast. there's another pass on the photo. we can avoid that narrow one we had to cross on the way up, and it should get us back down. you think you can make that pass weighted down when you almost fell the first time you're wrong, and you're not going to take my share of the gold with you trying it. we're heading northeast. i out rank you, that's why. we been down this road. i told you how it is. unless you feel like there's something you want to do about it. something happens to me i let go of this grenade. i go, and i take the navicom with me. and how do you suppose you're going to find your way back to the hummer, when you won't even know what's up or down. it's a big country, and you could be heading for the allies, or wandering right into bhagdad. that's if you don't die of thirst before you even get that far. how you like my stick now? murder, or a combat action? it's hard to tell them apart? what the hell? help! help me! help me! for christ's sake, jaeger! help me! help me! the navicom! we'll find our way. we'll find our way! we'll. lot of good you were when i was sinking in the sand. and let me guess who is. suppose i don't go for that? what about jaeger? we got to go back. we got to go back for wes. we can't just leave him. what if he's not? ours. it's one of ours. we've got to signal them; let them know we're down here. we need something: a flare, a signal mirror. what do you mean no? they can fly us home. we'll lie. we're lost, you understand that? we've got no navicom, and no means to find a way back. so right now i don't give a damn about the gold because if we don't get off this desert, and out of iraqi all it's going to be good for is buying us tombstones. first wes, now you? and you; you've got it all together. that helicopter passes, and the only thing we're close to is death. is it all right if i stand up? yeah. well, me too. sure. you still got a map on you? yeah. makes two of us. it's all right. i don't like it, but it's over now. hey, you know what? can i be honest with you? right now i'm not all that interested in how you're messed up 'cause you didn't get the bicycle you wanted for your thirteenth birthday. what i'm interested in is how i can keep from getting dead. and listening to sob stories from some about how the system wasn't good to him because he had to work like everybody else instead of being born a kennedy doesn't do a damn thing to help keep me alive. so do me a favor; either shut up, or. just shut up. damn. if we can find the hummer, or some friendlies by sundown we might be okay. we've got enough water for that. but we won't make another day otherwise. it's got to be going better than this. we can't just sit here. we've got to start moving, so pick. okay. then we go this way. it's a desert. that's what deserts do at night; they get cold. no! we've got to keep moving while there's still light. don't you touch it. the deal was no one touches it until we get out of here. you listen to me. if, if we get out of this i don't care what you do with your share, but until then you've only got one thing to think about and that's staying alive. so you leave that gold alone, or you and i are going to have to have a serious talk. place all alone like that? must be a boarder check point. couldn't be syria. we couldn't have gone that far north. it's got to be saudi. come on. we can head back for our lines, and they don't even have to know about the gold. we've got no cboice. either way, we've got no choice. well, we should identify ourselves. even if they are iraqis probably all they'll do is take us prisoner for awhile. got to figure we're still kicking their asses in the war. they don't want any trouble. that's if the war is even still going on. way things were shaping up it's probably long over. hellooooo-- what did you say? they must be saudis. it's a saudi checkpoint. oh sweet, jesus. come on. come on! they must have thought we were iraqi when you yelled to them. they couldn't tell in the dark. slip out your m-16. and then shoot them. well, you're going to start with a bang, 'cause you've got four of them to take down. i don't have a weapon. don't go bitch on me now! you were going to kill me. kill them! shoot them! shoot them, jaeger! shoot them! let's get some sleep. an iraqi? nothing. we can't stay here. even if that wasn't an iraqi soldier it's only a matter of time before some show up. get all the water you can carry, and we'll head out on foot. sun rises in the east. we go the opposite direction. may not find anything, but at least we'll know we're heading towards saudi arabia. ready? we keep going, that's what we do. we ignore them, maybe they ignore us. i don't like this. let's go. shi'ites, i think. i don't know. they killed wes. i don't know! with what? against how many? you come up with a better plan, let me know. wes? we thought-- wes, we thought you were dead, and we thought we were next. hanging around to get killed wouldn't have done anyone any good. wes-- tell me something, wes. are you crazy, greedy, or just stupid? jaeger says you're crazy. me? i say you don't have enough brains to be stupid. that why you tried to put a bullet in my head in the middle of the desert. you expect this? get the gold! now let's try things another way. let's try this: you and me and jaeger are going to walk out of here. we're going to walk out all smiling and friendly so your little shi'ite buddies won't suspect a thing. then we're going to hop on some horses, and ride away, and live happily ever after. it's all going to happen just like that, because if it doesn't then i'm going to gut you like a fat pig. you understand me. soldier? i'll take that as a yes. get the water. you don't know john epps very well, do you? no, but i figure now's a real good time to start. don't say anything. just keep quiet. so you can give us away? you answer him, but you answer him wrong and you're going to be staring at your insides while you're dying. bastard! oh, yeah. they're coming. ride for the hills. we'll try to lose them. we go this way. jaeger! if i give it to you, will you let us go? it's like i said; you don't really know lieutenant john epps very well, do you? damn it. we lost the horses. it wasn't the gold. it was the claymore mine. the gold's in my pack. it's always been like that. when you left me down in the crevice to send the gold up i figured i'd better. take precautions. i rigged it to blow if anyone opened the pack. just in case somebody thought they could do better on their own. we had a deal. no one touches the gold until we're out of here. no one breaks the deal, no one had anything to worry about. you shouldn't think about things like that. it'll just make you crazy. a car's got to come along sooner or later. when it does, we jack it. you lie in the middle of the road, look like you're hurt. when the car stops i run over to the driver and put a gun to his head. somebody has to. then i'm a rich man. yeah. thanks. threatened to blow my brains out? don't make so much out of it. only reason i haven't figured a way to get all that money for myself is because i've been too busy figuring ways to stay alive. believe me; if i had a minute to catch my breath i might have played things the way you and wes had. i'm no better than anybody else. i've just been busier. what? thought you were going to buy a car. i don't know. how the hell should i know? australia. i'd go to australia. lot of land, not many people. i think after this i'd like to quit people for awhile. and the girls go crazy for brothers down there. that's what i hear. don't matter. girls go crazy everywhere for a man with gold. we'll make up some kind of lie. they won't find the gold. he'll slow down. he's going to slow down. you speak english? do you speak english!? where were you going? what's in the other direction? turn the car around. nobody's going to hurt you. you see that? gold. you take us to the americans, and we'll give you another one. now drive. yeah. we'll look for him. see if you can't drive around this. the gold!