could you stop, please. you're giving me a headache. yeah, a headache. my head hurts. you're making me uncomfortable. yes. yes. that's exactly it. yes. think we're going to do it? think we're going to war? i don't think we'll go to war. we shouldn't even be here. this isn't our fight, it's a regional conflict. it should be decided regionally. people were suffering in afganistan, and we didn't do anything. and it's very important when you sit down never to point the soles of your shoes at anyone. it's considered offensive. i'm saying don't do it accidently. come on. you're going to get us in trouble. i'm just trying to help you guys out. it doesn't hurt to know something about saudi arabia. i didn't learn arabic because we were getting shipped here. you don't learn it in a couple of weeks. i studied it in high school. i thought it would be good to know. hey, jaeger. why don't you try this: ashra ka mahari dahra sahib. don't shoot me, i'm friendly. you can use that when you surrender. don't even try it. you offend a woman out here you're in serious trouble. now you need me. well, based on my knowledge of the region, its culture and her people i would have to say it's a box. he says it's a box. it's a puzzle box. if you can figure out how to open it there's supposed to be a treasure inside. and you're the guy who's going to open it. you get it yet? you will. you'll get it. you really think there's a treasure inside? jaeger? you know the fifteenth is the deadline for the iraqis to get out of kuwait. that's in two days. they're cancelling all leaves, all passes. no more drills. we stand at full ready starting-- we're going to war, aren't we. if they're doing all that it must mean we're going to war. why would they do all that if we weren't? jaeger? you ever think about dying? you ever think about it? you ever worry? this is so weird. it's happening, but it's not. it's like a tv show, and we're part of it. the longer the air force hits the iraqis, the safer it'ii be for us when we have to engage. what's inside? it's a container. break the seal. paper. what's it say? it's a map, i think that's what it is. hey, look at this! those soldiers have got loafers on. what kind of army gives their soldiers loafers? damn, this is sweet. we are going to be home in no time. what? the turks invaded, yeah. i guess people would have hidden what they had. but that doesn't mean what was in that box is-- you're not saying what i think you're saying. i can't believe you're even thinking it. you don't know where the iraqis have moved to. and our forces haven't even engaged the republican guard yet, we don't know-- it's not a hundred miles. it's a hundred miles through three different kinds of terrain: pure desert, mountains, a river. if the map is even real. so you just want to cross into hostile territory in the middle of a war on a wild goose chase? it's crazy. tell him it's crazy, epps. epps, tell him. you're out of your minds, you know that? both of you. you don't even know if there's anything out there. what the hell are you thinking? it's desertion. epps, you're smarter than this. jaeger i understand, but you're smarter. you're insane if you think you'll find anything, and sure insane if you think you can get us there and back alive. god! i don't believe i'm doing this. i don't. yeah. that easy. we're going to get court martialed, you know that. oh, god. what? i'd settle for being alive. really. alive would be fine. oh, no. no, please, not again. nooooooooo! came on, i'm serious. knock it off. this isn't funny, all right? i mean it. if! if there's a treasure. i don't know. it would be small, easy to transport and hide. gold or jewels. probably gold. how the hell should i know how much? if there's gold. if! this is too much. you don't even have the money and you're wasting it. what's that? oh, god! oh, jesus! what are we going to do? what are we going to do!? i think i'm going to throw up. i am. i'm going to toss. they stopped. oh, jesus, they've stopped. they stopped, and they've turned around. shoot. shoot! shoot! i thought we were dead. we got to get out of here. we have to go back. we just about got killed. you know what happened? we just about got killed, and you want to go on? you're crazy, you know that? you're insane! you know that, right? you know he's sick? we shouldn't have been here, epps. there is a war going on! deserters would have run, they wouldn't have engaged. we're not going back, are we? you bastard! you're trying to get us killed. what are you doing. so, you just let us drive on knowing we were losing fuel? knowing we were going to run low in the middle of nowhere? you stupid son of a bitch. him getting us stranded out here doesn't do much good either. then lets go back while we still can. what if someone takes it? you two don't even know how crazy you are. you want to go on your sick, little treasure hunt then go ahead, but mark me absent. really? what is that, an order, private? thanks for straightening out jaeger. not much chance of that. jaeger's an idiot. he's an idiot, and he's not nearly as hard as he thinks. look at him. we ought to just leave him behind. like he said: people get lost in wars all the time. and out here? out here there are eight million ways to die. i'm just talking. maybe it's just a can, or something. what kind of mine? should have blown already. delayed fuse, that's vietnam stuff. doesn't matter. we're not going to be able to get him off it anyway. can't do it. can't do it, and keep him alive. for climbing. what if it's a valloro 69? just going to bounce right up out of the ground, explode in the air, kill him and us. should have at least gotten the map off of him. blows up with him then we did all this for nothing. yeah. the map okay? how long we going to keep this up. haven't found a mine for half a mile, or more. you want to crawl, crawl. it better be. if all we wanted was the map out of you we could have taken it while you were standing on that mine pissing on yourself. i'm getting tired of you riding me, jaeger. gunfire. what is it? maybe they're looking for gold. those people down there are shi'ites. you've got shi'ites in the south of iraq and khurds in the north. neither of them've got much love for saddam. probably figured once the war started there might be an uprising, so he sent his soldiers out to slap them around some. is there anything you do know? the soldiers are going to kill those people! we have to do something. we can fight. that's what we're here for: to fight the iraqis. to help the shi'ites, and the khurds. some extra grenades. a claymore. we're american soldiers. we don't abandon people. you're the one wanted to kill iraqis so bad. we can't just go off and-- and find the treasure, and get it, and get back to the humvee, and get the hell out of iraqi without getting our heads blown off, but that's about it. probably was a couple of hundred years ago when whoever drew the map came through here. worn down to nothing now. we make it, or we go back empty handed. the us army: always an adventure. what do you figure it to be? otherwise whatever we're looking for could be anywhere. where'd they go? weird they didn't chase us. just seems weird they didn't chase us. and they can't fly around out there forever. missile! they want us to surrender. yeah. just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? what do you think? can't see anything. it's got a bottom. what am i supposed to do? you down? what do you see? hey. hey! sun's going down. epps! jaeger! it's getting dark up here. epps! he rolls over and scoffs. there's nothing down there. he can hear the sounds of the struggle and yells down. what are you doing? what the hell are you doing down there? yelling down what the hell are you doing!? he leans over the crevice. what is it? what'd you find? his lips flutter a bit before they land on the word gold. wes catches the coin. he turns it over in his fingers. he smiles, and there's nothing pleasant about it. ready when you are. you ready? what are you doing? you ready? not losing trust, are you? what about the gold? maybe we should split it up now. what if we get separated? way i see it if something happens i want to be carrying my share. you're the one with all the ideas. maybe you've got ideas of your own for the gold. maybe you've already got things worked out. maybe i don't need your ideas. maybe i can do better on my own. you got no reason to do that! you got no reason to hit me. i'm getting tired of you and jaeger pushing me around. stay down. stay the hell down, or i will rip your stinking head off! i caught him! i caught him trying to steal the gold. he snuck in here thinking we were asleep, only i wasn't sleeping. would have slit our throats if i hadn't stopped him. i told you. he tried to steal our gold. he tried to kill us. he's a soldier. he doesn't need a weapon. he's got rocks. he's got bare hands. shut up! i told you; don't push me around. says he's one of the soldiers that was in the helicopter. says they were deserters, they were afraid to fight, don't believe in saddam anyway. they flew the gunship up here to hide out. when they saw us they figured we were going to kill them, so they shot first. says he wanted food. liar. he wanted the gold. he. he could have been watching us. all last night he could have been-- i'm not wasting my water on him. i don't care what he says, he wanted our gold. would have slit our throats if he had the chance. what about him? we. we have to do something. we can't just leave him. he'll run back to his outfit, report our position. that's what he says. he could be a spy, or something. you don't know he isn't. he'd just slow us down, and drink our water. and if we ran into any more iraqis you know he'd sell us out. he's an enemy soldier. we're at war. he tried to kill us. if not just now, then in the helicopter. that's all the authority i need. i'm not going to leave him be just so he can stab us in the backs the minute we turn around. i have been through too much to lose it all now just because the two of you don't have the stomach to do what has to be done. it's a combat action. then step aside. get out of my way. shut up! shut the hell up! he stands, smoke curling from the muzzle of his m-16 like a white snake, having just send the iraqi some bullets special delivery. i had to. you saw how he ran. would have given us away. i had to. you want to say some words? go to hell. how are those words? you've got an awful lot of orders in you. always giving orders. in the service you do, but we're not particularly in the service right now. way i see it, what we're doing, that doesn't particularly give you the right to toss orders around. what if i do? what if i do? you talk loud, and don't even have a big stick to back it up with. i'm starting to think you're a real bitch, you know that? the white reflects the sun; it keeps you cooler. that's why they wear them. probably shot a few. scattered the rest. murderers. you saw how he ran didn't you? first chance he got he ran out. would have gone straight to his co, told him all about the gold. what do you think would have happened then, huh? then what do you think would have happened? two thousand screaming iraqis bearing down on us. you ought to thank me for killing him. i'll get a medal for it. watch and see if i don't get a medal. no navicom. a lot of good you are now, epps. without that navicam looks to me like you forfeit the right to be in charge. i'm the one's got the big stick. then i suppose it'd be insurrection, and i suppose i'd have to kill you. i suppose. nothing about him, unless he's got a problem about me dealing with you. {sneering) you know, jaeger, you really are a bitch. you die! in the flack jacket. still like getting hit in the back with a baseball bat. took the air right out of me, but i was just unconscious for awhile. 'course, you didn't stick around to find that out. you left me for dead. you left me for dead! when my shi'ite friends saw that they had shot an american they were very apologetic. turns out we've been kicking ass in this little war. they figure we've finally gotten saddam off their backs. they brought me to their camp, cleaned me up, fed me. i'm their new best buddy. america number one, joe. but there's something the shi'ites can't figure out: they can't figure out why my two buddies, two fellow americans, left me out in the desert. they can't seem to figure out what those same two guys were doing in an iraqi outpost. it's almost as if they were iraqi spies, or something. and i've got to tell you they hate anything that's got to do with the iraqis. see how i mean? you actually got around to killing someone. i'm impressed. i guess you're only half a bitch. sure, and i guess it was just convenient there was one less person to split the gold with. look, i know you guys are telling the truth. it's just the shi'ites don't know that. i guess you could tell them. but then you don't speak the language do you? thanks for taking care of this for me. you disappoint me, epps. always figured you to be a man; a real bright guy. i had respect for you. that's just what things came to. sometimes you can't help that. it doesn't change me respecting you. and now you let me down. i expected more from you, you know? i really did. i expected you to-- they'll kill you. you won't make it ten feet before they cut you down. i have to answer him. if i don't answer, he'll know something's up. stop them! the gold; give it to me. give it to me! sure. whatever you want. for old time sake. looks like at the end of the day we finally find out who's better than who, don't we, epps? like i said; i expected more from you.