archie, doc, and the interrogator charge out of the bunker with vuitton luggage and put it onto the ox cart troy has rigged. archie and doc stop and stare in shock -- soldiers 6 & 7 drag and beat shiites; 5 wounded men and women lie on the ground bleeding. a cuffed iraqi guard kneels with a bleeding head. five soldiers continue to encircle someone . the man in glasses and the little girl pray in arabic as they bow on the ground. luggage is loaded into the humvee and the cart while troy directs iraqis 6 & 7; doc and vig help. two iraqi soldiers take a thin rocket, four feet long, and load a clear plastic canister of brown fluid into it. a gunshot rings out, a soldier is hit in the arm. the tank fires a round at the building which collapses. the iraqi soldiers fire the rocket launcher.