doc gets out of the stopped humvee, shaken, and walks around. the humvee drives fast over the bumpy two-lane road. vig turns the speeding humvee off the road. archie jerks the wheel back. archie leads a line of 55 shiites across the desert. everyone carries at least one vuitton bag. imam carries his daughter. the luxury cars ride across the desert, single file, vuitton bags strapped to the roofs. shiites finish passing 92 vuitton suitcases into a trench. the bags are buried. archie drives a stake to mark the spot. vig and the six shiites frantically search for cover. vig gropes the sand for his glasses, crawling on his hands and knees with the dead shiite on his back. the six iraqis who took oft from the bunker are still running. their conversation is in arabic and subtitled in walter drives the motorcycle, nude, wearing his helmet with radio attachment. smithson and paco ride along. imam pours gasoline on a pile of vuitton suitcases, troy throws a match, the suitcases go up in a rush of fire. the humvee slows to a halt.