they made me a general, pal. are you high? this is a huge win for us. what the fuck is ironic? it's either that or be a security guard when you retire. i'm a general now, you can't say fuck you to me. go right ahead, colonel. doug? what the fuck are you doing? do you have authorization? no. who gave you this? archie gates gave you this? jesus christ, doug, come with me. no, you don't get to do the interview. who's missing? you don't know where one of your own fucking aides is? check all the radio transmissions. i'm not breaking your balls, doug, i want to find these guys. narrow it down to what sounds like archie gates and a humvee. i want a direction, we're not gonna comb the whole goddamn desert -- fort bragg? i'll be damned. we are not involved in the shiite problem, do you understand me? you are awol, you are a fugitive, you are under arrest. what? bullshit. pull it. how much do you have? where's it at? let's go, doug. who's in charge here? we have to talk about this situation. turn that damn camera off. what the fuck are they doing here? they are not fucking authorized, for christ's sake -- haven't i taken care of you, dammit? you are under arrest. you are going to be court-martialed. and you will show us where the bullion is right now.