congratulations, you got yourself a rag head, my man. dag. it looked like the guy's head blew three feet into the air -- i said it looked like that happened, but then we got here and he was still breathing. and when it hits the ground, his hand keeps on firing. do you still want to sell pictures? war's been over five days, jim, ain't gonna be much more of this. troy's enemy, yours for twenty. what's wrong? no free pictures, motherfucker. rahhhhhhhhh. did you rape and torture anybody in kuwait, abdul? take your fucking rags off, take this off. no comprende english, motherfucker? i'm trying to git him to obey the spirit of things but he won't take his rags off. whoa, it's a freaky thing, troy. that's the freaky thing. you only gave me one glove. what the hell is that? lord knows what vermin live in the butt of a dune koon. captain uses those terms. i'm sorry, man, it's a little confusing is all. man, get an awesome stereo system with like ten bos speakers -- one gold rolex, i get a very fine split level outside jackson. i was baptized in water. i don't recognize you, sir. are you in this division? his name is walter. dag. rolexes. you mean the little cubes you put in hot water for soup? for one gold brick? i don't really have a day job. what else did you do, sir? is it true you got to take an enemy ear to be special forces? blacks make better receivers than quarterbacks. the oilers have gone nowhere behind warren moon. the eagles will never get to the superbowl with him. this gun's too heavy to shoot one-handed like a movie star -- what do you mean? yeah, it's all cow. only night bombing on cnn, except for troy's supercool shooting that guy in the neck-- what's sepsis? tension pneumo what? where's the bunker? we are the army of the united states of america. we are here to protect you. remain calm. we are here for your protection and safety. ya'll be cool now, this is the u.s. marines in charge here. what exactly is a shiite? the civil war? how could it be the civil war? respect is the most important. rock and roll. don't make me smoke your ass, abdul. don't start this shit again. i know ya'll shiite gettin' yer asses whipped -- hey, what the hell is going on here? git on the fucking ground, arab. what the fuck are you talking about? goddamn it everybody calm down. this is the united states military. did you get it? troy, did you get it? is it a lot? yes, sir. make infected pockets filled with bile, sir. grenade launcher, sir. i don't wanna get hit. where's my mask? look out. what's going on? troy. we have to go back. we can't leave him there. you made the choice and we lost troy -- you had a choice. what about troy? what choice does he have now? is that guy dead? where you gonna put him? what kind of shrine ya'll got? hey, that's a pretty good shrine, right, doc? i'm sorry i hit you, man. i was scared for troy, i don't want nothing to happen to him, he's my friend. doc? come on, man, i know you was comin' to help me -- maybe we got kicked out of the ring of jesus fire, on account of stealing. how does it work? what about now? i'm good to go, chief. i want to find troy. broken -- arms. girl. what's b-school? is that like terrorist training? give it to him. we've got a lot. give me a fucking break, man. fuck it. we'll find this place on our own. this is a human life we're talking about. you got the same name as the tall model who does david bowie. that's the same name. whatever. they're both attractive names. shit. sorry. praise jesus. go, baby, go. judas priest will pump you, doc -- one song. wait a second, i want to talk about this plan some more -- i have a bad feeling like we're gonna get wasted. splinter. go straight, go straight -- shit. jesus god, i don't wanna get hit, please jesus, watch over me -- you gotta be my disguise, mr. shiite, cuz they need my help over there -- god help me. yes. yes. all right. you made it. i thought that was you. yeah. you made it, man -- what happened to the jesus fire, doc? you never told me that part. i guess i could go to one of them shrines that erase the bad you did -- we did good, right? do you still want to sell pictures? war's been over five days, ain't gonna be any more of this, jim. it's troy's enemy, yours for twenty.