do you think he ate it? i never got to use night vision. this tent is restricted -- may day, may day -- damn. freeze. do not pass. hold it, freeze. stop. freeze. how am i gonna get out of the company? how about rare pelican migration out by the marshes? these brave pelicans are migrating in spite of massive pollution -- pelicans. i thought the gold was the hot spot. military regulations, you cannot drive. get off the vehicle, sir. don't make me shoot you, sir. i don't like this, we gotta go-- hey. could i have my helmet, please? helmet. on my head. this is tar baby, come in. about two clicks outside camp. right. i think so -- who handles the briar patch? oh, ok, and the tar baby goes to the briar patch if everything's ok, right? shit, i'm sorry, sir, i don't remember how the code goes -- wow. that's a tall order for a secret operation, sir. did you say 100k? roger. give me two hours. watcha doing out here, troy? we better get you fixed up to go home to the land of the brave. sorry i fucked up the code, sir.