and who's he? oh, i see, i see. oh, three, huh? a regular 'mirage a trois'! uh-huh, so what's your friend do? what about the other guy? ah-hah. now that's interesting. so does this friend of yours ever fly to south america? would you object if i answered it for you? it's a collect call from a jack collins in la paz, bolivia. that wouldn't happen to be your pilot friend, would it? the one who never goes to south america? would you mind very much if i listened? now that's interesting. so you wanna tell me about this package and the hot something-or-other your friend lucked onto. in la paz. bolivia. south america? peter sits down, stunned. do you recognize anyone in this picture? peter looks: it's the photo of jack and paul that was taken at the beginning of the movie. oh yeah? now that's interesting. michael has laid mary down for a nap in her basket, observed by the five cops. he now sits down, cheerful and bubbling over with enthusiasm. so, who's the baby belong to? and why are you two taking care of her? now that's interesting. well, we'll be seeing each other again soon, in fact very soon. in the what are these people like? what kind of lifestyle do they have? michael hastily returns to peter, still on tiptoes. he leads him back to the elevator and pushes the elevator button. search warrant. oh, really? well, if i were you i'd get myself some new friends! peter comes in, in his bathrobe, furious. probably the same things your friends were looking for last night! didn't mrs. razzolini bring you a package last sunday? maybe we can help. let's get to work! all the cops enter the apartment. well, there's obviously been a mistake. as far as you're concerned this investigation is closed. we apologize again. so do we. michael closes the door and races into the living room where he discovers peter putting on his jacket.