what?. oh, the rent. yeah, it's high but split between the three of us it isn't that bad, as long as we don't eat. nicole laughs. oh hi, paul, how are you doing? yeah, sure, i'll take you to jack. excuse me for a minute. they move away. you're a lifesaver, i've been trying to get away from that woman he's around somewhere. check under all the couches. paul walks off in jack's direction. we stay with peter, who reaches natalie. she is talking with a very styl- ishly-dressed, tall, young man, carl. oh natalie, i've been looking for you all night. deep? hell no, we were just talking shop. who, me? jack's the ladies' man, not me. you're the only lady i'm after. we've still got two weeks left before the semi-finals. we'll be ready. oh really? you've seen it? ours is incredible too. natalie, why don't you stay for a nightcap? good night, carl. i'll call you sunday, natalie. she has already left. the door closes on the last of the departing guests. he's an asshole! 'i heard you're not ready yet.' 'we're gonna kick your ass.' well, we may be behind schedule, but we're still going to beat that sonofabitch and maybe i haven't scored with natalie yet, but neither has he. she's not an easy lay, that's what i like about her. you know what they say: it ain't over till it's over. peter and michael go into the living room. peter is picking up glasses. michael is emptying ashtrays into the wastebasket. who's rosalie? your old friend sophia appeared and got you involved in a thrilling conversation about modern art, and meanwhile rosalie. michael, all you want to do is steal jack's girl friends. you don't give a shit about the women themselves. anyway, it was a great party, everyone had a good time. where's jack? did he leave? that's not clementine. i saw him doing his famous routine with christie. christie's got tits that big, too. i'm not. jack enters the kitchen in very high spirits, singing. yeah, here, i just put it away. i thought you were leaving at dawn for south america? yeah, but word around town is their project's a piece of shit! i'll go bribe the judges! come on, jerry. a secretary enters. i'm not in. hi. yeah. listen, make it quick, i'm in a meeting here. yeah, a package. okay. someone'll drop it off sunday and pick it up thursday. no problem . yeah. we'll put it aside, okay. no, no, we won't tell anybody about it. is that it?. right, we won't tell anyone. hey -- love 'n' kisses to the brazilian girls, vaya con dios, old buddy. peter hangs up, laughing. jerry gives him a dirty look. what? i'm going out for bagels -- how many you want, three or four? eleven-thirty. a.m. c'mon, up 'n' at 'em. well then. nap time's over. back to work. so how many bagels, three or four? you gotta be kidding! abruptly he turns and races back to michael's room. michael! michael! get your ass out here and see what's on the doorstep. this has gotta be somebody's idea of a joke! they run to the front door. look for yourself. no shit. 'dearest jack, here is the fruit of our love. take good care of her. i have to go to europe and japan for six months, her name is mary. good luck, love, sylvia.' give it back to her mother, that's what. well, we'll see about that, d'you have her phone number? you mean you don't know who she is? well, what are we gonna do? oh no, this can't be happening! she's not gonna start to cry now?! what's her problem? well, what are we s'posed to do? yeah, but what? oh no, i swear to god this is unreal! can you believe that bastard jack?! 'a little package,' he tells me on the phone, 'just put it aside till thursday.' put it aside -- can you believe him!? yeah and he also said 'don't tell anyone about it -- anyone at all.' yeah, he told me a package would be coming today, but he didn't say it'd be this! just listen to the racket she's making! what are we s'posed to do? she lives in miami for christsake. she can't stop the baby crying from miami. no, he said not to tell anyone. no! no way! you know what a pain that woman is -- she'll be on the next plane here to move in with us. no, please -- leave the mothers out of this, okay?! it's only four days. we should be able to handle that, besides you know the rule around here: it's fine to have a woman over once in a while, but. michael finishes the sentence in unison with him. and that includes mothers! peter steps over the basket and heads towards the elevator. i'm going to the store to buy some baby food. pick her up and hold her. what aisle's baby food on? so what's the best brand? oh right, the pediatrician. but which one sells the most? oh, so this is the best kind? then it's the worst kind? oh, okay, then i can take this kind. oh. is that good or bad? well, why don't they all have iron in them? oh, okay, well i'll take this kind then. oh, i see, there's milk with no milk in it? so what's the stuff that no babies are allergic to? oh, okay, i'll take the soy formula. oh really? what's advance? uh. about this old. i haven't looked. no, actually they had to leave unexpectedly. they had to catch a plane. teething? i know she can't talk. i told you they had to leave unexpectedly. so what about me? what should i buy? no. they didn't. you have no idea how weird. look, ladies, thanks for all the advice. but i think i'll just take one of each. to be on the safe side. what bottles? hey, how dare you speak to me like that! you've never spoken to me like that before. will you please cut it out for a second, huh? i didn't have any coffee either, it took me forever at the goddamn safeway. whaddaya mean, take the kid? i can't hold her and make her bottle at the same time. and why should i be the one to hold her? hey, asshole, i'm the one who found yeah, well you just don't feed a baby. first you gotta look and see if she has any teeth or not. to figure out how old she is so we know what to feed her, that's why. peter attempts to look into mary's mouth but she squirms. how do i know? i can't feel anything -- i'll give her the stuff for newborns and hope she's not allergic to it. peter starts off toward the kitchen, michael follows. and then we'll have to see if she's allergic to iron, to soy or to milk -- you can't imagine how much stuff they can be allergic to! diapers? oh shit, my slacks! goddamn her, she took a crap! hold her. hold her, goddamn it! just gimme the cotton. michael lets go of mary's feet and she sticks them back in the crap. oh for chrissake, don't just let go of her! take the towels off -- they're full of shit. yeah, but she keeps getting it all over herself. man, this shit is sticky!. we need cleaning fluid or something to get it off. are you kidding?! waste our saint laurent on babyshit? right. michael hands him a diaper. peter tries to figure out how it goes on. these tape things -- do they go on the front or the back? hold her under her arms -- i'm gonna try it this way. michael holds mary under her armpits. peter tries to put the diaper on her. it's hard. what's more, it would seem that michael didn't buy the right size -- the diaper comes all the way up to mary's chin. what the hell kind of lousy stinking diapers did you get? they're way too big! how the hell do these tape things work? hold her for chrissakes! there. i got it. he tapes the diaper closed. damn it. i didn't make it tight enough. go ahead. no, not on the towels, they're all covered with crap. michael lays mary down right on the couch. peter vigor- ously undoes the tape, and the whole plastic lining rips apart. what the hell is this friggin' mess? oh, man, this is unbelievable! to think, they bombard us day and night with their goddamn tv commercials! and will you look at this junk? this stuff is pure shit -- you tape it closed, it sags, you undo the tape: bingo -- the whole goddamn thing falls apart! michael, will you give me a break, will you please? peter takes the torn diaper off. mary utters a tiny cry and pees copiously all over the velvet couch. oh shit! now she's pissing. look at the couch. the sneaky little bitch was just waiting for me to get the diaper off, then whammo. mary gives them a big smile. i happen to like my furniture. i'm going out to get some real diapers. you can clean the couch up in the meantime. he exits, slamming the door. i need to reach jack collins, he's one of your pilots. no, i don't know exactly where he is, but he was supposed to be flying the miami-caracas-rio route. the guy who proposed to you?. oh, did he?. well, congratulations. please. listen to me. you must contact him and tell him he's got to call home immediately. okay? it's an emergency, a family problem. no, don't worry, he's not married to someone else. it's another kind of family maybe she's allergic to something? already? oh shit, she's soaking wet again. i told you -- i have a date. look, it's with natalie -- i've been after her for months already. you're a real drag, y'know? tonight was gonna be my big night! now i bet it's gonna be carl's big night. hello, natalie? it's peter. listen, i'm really screwed. jerry just called and we've run into a snag with the blueprints for the competition, it's an emergency. i've gotta go over to the office right away, i think it's gonna be an all-nighter. of course i didn't know about this yesterday -- he just called me. mary reaches out and begins to jab the buttons on the phone. peter pulls her back. hello? hello?. no, i'm not trying to hang up on you. we're having some problems with the phone, that's all. no, natalie, there's no one else here! you're the only woman i. i swear i'm not lying to you. what? you're going to call carl? okay, go ahead, call him if you want. i don't give a shit. of course i'm not jealous. what makes you think i'm jealous? jerry, hi, it's peter. listen, i've run into some problems, i can't make it today. . hey, take it easy, will you. i'm sick. seriously ill. i'm burning up. the doctor had to come, i've gotta stay in bed till friday. hey, hey, hey, i'll work round the clock all weekend long. i swear, jerry, i am not lying to you. all he said was thursday. well, i'm prepared to rot here till midnight if i have to, as long as we get rid of her. well, when he does call, i'm gonna let him have it! that sonofabitch is on the beaches of brazil proposing to the whole goddamn world. and we're here living in hell! he's gonna get his ass on the next plane back here. vacation's over, jack-baby, you better believe it. oh hell! package? oh that's cute, referring to her as a package! anyway, you can tell sylvia she's a lousy stinking bitch. yeah, sylvia! you can tell her she's got a hell of a nerve dumping her problems into our laps! do you have any idea what it's been like around here for the past four days? well, anyway, they're here now, that's all that matters! peter turns and walks toward the basket. the next bottle's in 45 minutes. i made it already. it's in the basket. no, it's a very short teenager. of course it's a baby! now listen carefully: i'm giving you a can of the milk she's been getting. she loves it, and more importantly, yeah, right. real clever. okay, here. she's all yours. good luck. take what out? i'm not taking anything out. whadda ya mean, what's inside? uh. listen. maybe you could leave us the address or the phone number just in case. so we can find out how she's doing? the punks exchange a puzzled glance. aah, relief at last! good riddance! what the hell is this? was this package delivered to you? when the hell did this package arrive? when did this fucking package fucking arrive, michael? holy shit! this is the package those guys came for, not the baby, you asshole. look out the window and see if you see them, i'm gonna try to goddamit! he opens the door leading to the stairs and races down them, holding on to the bannister. he flies, overwhelmed by anxiety. suddenly he trips, loses his balance and makes a spectacular crash landing. the package gets a bit crushed, and little individual packets of white powder spill out of it. peter stares at them in horror. what the hell is this? he picks up a few packets and examines them. oh, god, no. dope! that's all we need! he starts to tremble with fear. he picks the packets up as fast as he can and hastily puts them back into what's left of the package; then shoves it all into his pocket and continues racing down the stairs. oh, thank god, you're still here! there's been a terrible mistake. that wasn't the package you were s'posed to take. it was another one. i have it right here. i'll take the basket back and give you the other package, here. no mistake. peter takes the package from his pocket and is about to grab the basket. punk #1 pushes him back violently. but i'm tellin you it was a mistake. but i'm telling you, i've got your package right here. there's been a mistake. but i'm telling you, i've got the real package in my pocket. no, really, officer, they weren't gonna drive off with it -- they were just watching it for me while i was doing a quick errand. thanks, guys. punk #1 gives him a dirty look. listen, officer, let's stay calm now. i haven't the slightest intention of running. i am not a criminal. i'm an architect. i'm terribly sorry, officer, but i don't have any identification on me. i just came down with my baby to run a quick errand. i haven't committed any crime. oh, c'mon, that's impossible -- you see i have a baby. i have to give her a bottle in fifteen minutes, i can't go anywhere. i live right in this building -- let me go up to my apartment and i'll get you my license immediately. you can even come with me if you like. this is it. please come in. can i get you a cup of coffee or something? michael. michael. we're in deep trouble. the package. the package. there's a cop on the doorstep. he didn't see you. he mustn't see you. we're in deep trouble, michael. the package they came for wasn't the baby, it was dope, drugs, a shitload of dope! we were stopped by some cops down on the street. no, it's right here. we'll get twenty years if the cops find this on us! climb down the fire escape and hide it. anywhere! michael takes the package, opens the window and starts to climb out it when peter stops him. hey, whatever you do, don't lose the goddamn dope, we gotta be able to return it to those dealers or we're dead. those guys are serious. here's my license. narcotics squad? what do they want with me? i don't even use aspirin! don't worry, michael, it's nothing serious, just a little misunderstanding. yeah, i just gave it to her. no, she's soaking wet. he's my roommate. no, you don't see. there are three of us sharing this place. it's 'menage'. and it's not. we all have lots of girlfriends, thank you. he's a cartoonist. he's a pilot. no. never. only north america. the phone rings. not at all, go right ahead. i've got nothing to hide. agent #1 picks up the phone and listens. yes, it is him. agent #1 hands him the phone. hello, yes, operator, i accept the charges. agent #1 gestures to agent #3 to take a look around the apartment. agent #3 slips away. please, go right ahead. agent #1 picks up the other telephone. hello, jack? fine, yeah. how're you? yeah, he's fine, too. yeah, we left a message for you, right. no, it was nothing i said everything's fine! the what?. i don't know what you're talking about. oh yeah, the package! yeah, yeah, it got here . and was picked up, uh-huh. hey! why didn't you call sooner? huh? 'cause what?. oh, you're onto something hot -- well, aren't you the lucky one!. so when are you getting married?. forget it, i was just kidding. well, everything's fine up here. so have a good time. see you in a couple of weeks. 'bye. peter hangs up. so does agent #1. sure. this is jack collins. it's jack's daughter. because her mother's in europe for six months, and since jack had to be away for two weeks, i took my vacation to take care of her, i love kids. christ, what a mess! they'll be on our tails around the clock! how the hell are we gonna get rid of the goddamn dope?! by the way, where is it? where? michael points to mary's bottom. huh? are you out of your mind?? i told the cops we were taking care of her. you realize we're now stuck with the kid till jack and that's not all -- we haven't heard from the punks yet either! that's right, you heard right: i'm not coming in to work for two weeks. no, i can't explain why. . because i can't, that's all!. no, this has nothing to do with chasing ass! jerry. jerry! will you stop screaming for a minute and listen? i'm in trouble, you understand? deep trouble. i know. i know. goddammit, jerry, of course winning the competition is important to me! the firm's my whole life if you must know. no, no, please -- don't send anyone over here. don't you come either. no, jerry. okay, listen, i'll be there in a half-hour, but i can't stay long. no! don't come here! i'll be right over. he hangs up. michael enters the room, with his coat on. you're going now? terrific, just terrific! jerry just called: i have to go to the office right now. there's no way. i can't, he's suicidal. why don't you call oxman and tell him you'll be there in a few hours. oh shit, i can't take this anymore! good idea! let's go. oh shit! we sure as hell can't hand her the baby with an ass full of dope. right in front of the narcs! the elevator has arrived meanwhile. what should we do? i really gotta go. yeah, you're right, we won't be long. they rush into the elevator. michael? michael, are you here? no answer. peter pushes the door open. the sight that greets his eyes is very dismaying. it looks like a tornado has hit the house. everything's on the floor, it's all been smashed, it's all been ripped apart. gone is the beauti- ful apartment that had been so lovingly decorated. in its place, utter devastation and shambles. peter stands there speechless for a moment, then an awful thought crosses his mind. he runs like crazy into his room -- the basket's not there. stepping over the debris and all the things strewn over the floor, he rushes into the living room, then into michael's room. the basket's nowhere to be seen. peter falls apart; without even realizing it, he's moan- ing and muttering distractedly. he runs into jack's room, into the kitchen, into the bathroom. the basket is nowhere to be seen. peter runs all over, back and forth ten times in all the rooms. tears are flowing from his eyes. suddenly, he hears faint cries. they're coming from the back bathroom. peter rushes to it, practically ripping the door from its hinges. there on the toilet is the basket, and on it there's a note written in big messy printing which says: "next time we take her." mary looks at peter and smiles; she seems in great shape. a distraught peter picks her up, hugs her tightly and kisses her all over as he takes her into his room. just then, michael appears in the corridor, silent and what the hell are you guys looking for, anyway? you mean the chocolate easter bunnies? we ate them already. he starts to walk away. anyway, you have no idea how many packages we've been getting lately. it's hard to keep track of them. my pleasure. try not to make a mess. be my guest. bullshit, it's a trick. they just said that to put us off guard. they saw the condition this apartment's in. they know the punks were here looking for the dope and that they probably didn't find it. so that means we've still got it. okay, let's just see how closed it is. i'll go downstairs. you watch out the window and see if i'm being tailed. so? was i right? i knew it. they're going to be watching us around the clock. we'll have to be very careful. gimme that. jack? what the hell are you doing? yeah. yeah. oh yeah? well, listen very carefully, jack. that wonderful, fantastic babe you brought back from bolivia? the one you're gonna marry tomorrow? well, you're not going to bring her here!. you are going to say 'goodbye' to her very nicely and put her in a cab back to bolivia. why? because there's another wonderful, fantastic babe waiting for you right here at home . who is she? oh, that's a surprise! you'll see when you get here. but believe me, she's so hurry home, jack, this little doll can't wait to see you. 'bye. he hangs up. that goddamn mother fuckin' jerk of an asshole! i swear when he comes through the door i'll kill him! i'll. the phone interrupts. michael leaps up and answers it. all we can do now is hope our plan works. i don't think that's legal, is it? would it be asking too much of you to shut your big mouth for a few seconds? there is a child here who's trying to sleep. michael, please hold me back. or i'll kill him. michael takes the basket handle from peter's hand, places the basket carefully on the bed, and walks without a word towards jack, who he takes by the arm and steers into the living room. peter softly shuts the door behind them and follows. his nerves! ha. ha. ha. his nerves! michael, his nerves! you wanna talk about nerves! then just shut up and listen. it so happens we don't want a kid here either, but when someone dumps one on us, we take goddamn care of it. we haven't had a decent night's sleep in two weeks. michael's probably going to lose a $15,000 contract. first, we've got the narcs on our ass, then there's the drug gang threatening to carve us up. then bottles. bottles. every three hours, bottles. 'la paz, bolivia' he calls from . 'i'm onto something hot.' he says. 'did the package get there?' he says. you asshole! never mind about that. look, jack, you got us into this mess, and you're going to help us get out of it. for your information, the 'fucking' baby's name is mary. and if i were you, i'd watch what i said about her. because she just so happens to be your daughter! you look completely ridiculous -- so what? what's the problem? yeah, i hear it's nice there this time of year. anyone home? michael is in the living room, eating a sandwich, while looking through a magazine. how 'bout jack? oh, yeah. he's got a lot of nerve! leaving us with the kid again. you're kidding! that son-of-a- bitch! oh, i'm telling you, that guy is really starting to get on my nerves! goddamn him! he really could have called me! of course not! what, are you crazy? i'm relieved! thank god she's out of here! you're bringing her back? so what happened? did you two have a fight? didn't she want to take her? who is it? what do you want? don't go into my room, she's asleep. no, damn it, no! you're gonna wake her up! it already took me an hour to sing her to sleep. all right, i'll go explain the situation. it's no bother, jack. i'll be glad to do it. he rushes toward the living room. a sleeping child should not be awakened. if you don't know that, then you're not fit to be a nanny. 'round-the-clock'? whaddya mean 'round the clock'? are you intending to sleep here? and where are you going to sleep? well, i don't know where jack intends to stick you. that's his problem. maybe in his room. but i'm warning you, mrs. brestshow. there are three of us sharing this place and we're all real studs. oh, yeah? how do you figure that? well, listen, mrs. fretsaw, umm. brainsore. right. bratsnot, lemme tell you something. with a child you always know who the mother is, but the father -- that's another kettle of fish. so don't give me that bullshit, okay? what for? what do you mean, make you a list? -- don't you do the shopping yourself? we have plenty of everything. she only eats milk and cereal. oh that's bullshit. you don't feed a baby like an adult. i've read plenty of books. the diet recommended by those quack pediatricians today is way too rich. i'm in favor of natural methods, mrs. breathmint. for instance, if a child is having trouble getting to sleep, what would you do? i knew you'd say something like that, you jerk! do you know the song that goes 'medicine's a whore and the pharmacist is her pimp'? mrs. breakballs, if you don't get out of here right this minute i'm gonna punch you in the nose! this is my home, now get out! well, you'll have to ask to fly the new york-washington shuttle for five months, on account of serious personal problems. then dump her in an orphanage, 'cause there's no way we're gonna take care of her all by ourselves anymore! what if she gets up at night? not a chance! i'm not doing the night shift. i absolutely refuse. i have too much work to catch up on for the competition. you know, jack, you're a real slime ball! we give you the easiest shift: the morning. she's always in great shape in the morning, isn't she? we've got to work like crazy to save our jobs and you have the nerve to refuse nights. goddamit, she's your daughter. are you that horny? i'm telling you, the more you pick her up, the longer it'll take her to get to sleep. i never let her scream for hours! can you believe what he just said to me. i read those books bec. hi, michael, i just came back to get a file i forgot. everything okay? well, i guess i'll be going now. the baby okay? she's crying. no, her back teeth must be starting to bother her. try and put her back to bed; we'll sing. jack puts mary back to bed. michael, as a routine, sings a major chord, giving each of them their notes. they start singing a lullabye in three-part harmony, as they lean over the crib. mary is in seventh heaven. she looks up at them, she stops crying, she sucks her thumb. who the hell's that broad? can't she speak softly like everyone else? yeah, you're right, i'm fed up with it, too! i don't mind getting up, that's not the point. you can bring whoever you want as long as they speak softly like everyone else! yeah, you can say that again! no, i haven't had the time lately. why do you always have to bring carl along with you? oh, c'mon -- i love him! only, i'd like to see you alone for once, that's all. well, we'll see about that. jack returns to the table. peter's eyes follow him nervously. save room for dessert -- it's a three-tiered cake from balducci's! umm, it's made with whipped cream and loads of nipples on top -- i mean, loads of. raspberries . i'll be right back. try and put her back to bed. i'm sure she's cutting a tooth. you two go. i'm staying with her. it can't be worse than listening to carl. your daughter. your daughter. there's too much noise. he shuts the music off. mary keeps on screaming. she's teething, that's why she's cranky. give her to me, i'll try and calm her down. peter takes mary on his lap. the screaming continues. she's in europe, she'll be back in a few days. we already tried. what? what? what? well, she's not the only one with a limited conversation. at least she has an excuse, she's a baby! what's yours? i mean, i've been listening to your pompous drivel about the latest trends for the last two hours, and frankly, it's a crock of horseshit. you motherfucker, get out of here! get out of my house right now or i'll kick the shit out no, i'll go. and you can all go fuck yourselves! go back to your asinine conversations! he exits with mary. jack, embarrassed, follows him. who gives a shit, they're all jerks anyway. i can't stand kids either but that's not a reason to leave! dipshits, they're all a bunch of dipshits, every one of 'em. hey, you're the pain-in-the-ass! first you dump a baby on us, then you scare everyone away from the party, then. listen, we all have two full-time jobs! that's for sure! if she's not back by the end of next week, i'm kicking her kid out! and you can tell her we have a lot better things to do with our lives than wipe a baby's ass, goddamn it! he exits. so does jack. michael is buried under the three-tiered cake, unable to see around it. oh, it's you. wait, i'll go fine, fine, she's doing great. she's getting her back teeth in lately, it's been a bit rough. oh, yeah, sure, she's in there. they both enter the living room. mary stares at sylvia. when she spots mary, sylvia suddenly breaks down in tears. peter is dumbfounded. oh, yeah. make life difficult for jack. what? oh, yeah, yeah, i'll go get him. he exits like a sleepwalker and goes straight into michael's room. the latter is asleep. michael, michael. sylvia's here. michael wakes up and looks at peter. mary's leaving. no, i have to burp her first. with dexterity, he places mary face down on his shoulder and walks around in the kitchen, patting her on the back. give me the playpen first. just give me the playpen. no, no thanks. i'd rather do it myself. jack is standing beside the back door of the cab, leaning over toward sylvia, who is holding mary. he is trying unsuccessfully to sound angry. that's it, we fit it all in. right. that's that. they head back to their apartment building. oh shit -- i forgot to explain about the cereal! and i'm gonna be able to get back to work, so carl better watch it -- i'm gonna slaughter that son-of-a-bitch! first with this goddam competition. and then with natalie. oh, she forgot her squeaky giraffe. he picks it up and throws it onto an armchair. these are for you. i'm not supposed to leave the office. they think i'm in the bathroom. so i can't stay. 'bye. he dashes back out. natalie cracks up, laughing. you'll be id a foul bood -- jet lag really wipes out you dow. yeah: you didd't used to give a shit before, but dow it docks you out. how would i dow? 'before,' that's all. do. silence. you eatig here todight? this fuckig cold! i look like i'b cryig all the tibe but i'b dot -- it's just this dab cold. he gets up and goes out. of course you're taking good care of her -- we know what it's like, don't cry, she looks great. don't worry, it's nothing, she's well, why don't you leave the baby with us for a few days, till you recuperate. i mean, if you want. what? we could set up a room for her here. yeah, but i don't think she'll agree. she's got her own life to live.