depends on what your pediatrician recommends. this kind. it's the cheapest. they're all good, sir. it's got iron in it. it's very good. some babies are allergic to iron. that kind doesn't have any milk in it. some babies are allergic to milk. soy formula. that one's advance. how old's your baby? my grandson's only five months old and he already has two teeth. but my daughter didn't have a single one at seven months -- so, y'know, how many teeth they have. doesn't mean a thing. see, my five-month-old grandson weighs more than my neighbor's grandson and he's nine months old. so, y'know, how much they weigh. doesn't mean a thing. my grandson, y'know, he has so much hair you can make a ponytail with it! and i know some kids who are totally bald at a year- and-a-half. so, y'know, how much hair they have. doesn't mean a thing. i would suggest the ones that say 'ultra-absorbent.' depends how much your baby weighs. you wouldn't happen to have a friend who came in here a little while ago, would you? michael grabs just any box of diapers.