the girl's. sylvia's. hello. i'm sylvia, mary's mother. i've come to get her. how's mary doing? can i see her? i don't believe how much she's grown! recovering, wiping away her tears, she walks over to the playpen. hello, mary, hello my darling. she picks her up, hugs her tightly, showers kisses on her. mary laughs. sylvia starts crying again. how beautiful she is. her hair has grown. look how much she changed, i missed it all. i missed her so much! peter, in a kind of daze, stares at sylvia. without looking at peter, she dries her eyes and tries to stop crying. i wanted to make life difficult for jack but i never thought i'd miss her so much. is he here? is jack here? a blender? no, i don't have a blender. do you want me to take her? here are the bibs. jack told me to give them. yeah, sure. michael bustles about. sylvia's gaze comes to rest on the crib which stands imposingly in the middle of the living room. music boxes, little booties and stuffed animals are hanging from the bars, and a pretty white tulle frames the crib. yeah. i know, i'm sorry. yeah, i bet. actually, that was kind of the point. but i'm the one who really got screwed. she starts to cry again. yeah, it's great. yeah, sure. i'm not loaded, but it's okay -- i'm working, i've got modeling jobs lined up. no. that's the last thing i need. i've got my work. and now i've got her. she rubs noses with mary. peter and michael approach. okay, well, thanks again -- 'bye! peter, michael and jack here you are, my angel. are you okay, honey? mommy's finished now, you've been a very, very good girl. thanks a lot for looking after her. is jack here? 'cause i'm a mess. i can't handle it, i'm all alone. 'cause my place is tiny, y'know, and my schedule's insane -- and i just finished four days of posing and we ended up every day at. yeah, y'see, jack, i just did four days of posing. and every day we finished at three in the morning and since mary always gets up around 5:30. well, you can imagine how much sleep i've gotten. and by the time i change her and play with her a little, it's already eight o'clock. and the babysitters till three a.m. -- all my money is sucked oh, so the flowers and the rabbit were from you. i mean it, i can't cope anymore. my parents and i don't talk to each other and anyway they live in texas, and the baby needs to get out to the park. and i have to work, i need the money to survive and anyway i love my job. a distraught peter, bare-chested and in jeans, comes running in from his room. but to work i've gotta have a babysitter, and to have a babysitter i need to work, so i run around all day. . and i'm not sure i'm taking good care of her. it's just 'cause i haven't slept in four nights -- she must be teething or something, i don't know but i can't manage. and just look at my face! nobody's going to want me to model for them with the way my face looks. and what'll happen to me if they don't want me anymore? right, a good night's sleep -- but when? really? i can leave her with you for a little while? i brought a couple of things for her, just for a few days. michael eagerly takes the bag from her. it's followed by a second, and then a third. yeah, it's time for her bottle -- it's all ready in the bag. oh, okay, thanks. So, I'll take the ten A.M. to three P.M. shift. And I'll take every other night. plus the walk in the park in the afternoon before I go to work. and we split the rent equally. and I'll just be 'one of the guys'. deal? PETER, MICHAEL, AND JACK Deal. Mary suddenly comes in from the kitchen, walking unstead- ily but determinedly. She's dragging Graton's rabbit by its ear. She looks at the four of them and laughs her head off.